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iFind Reading

Mae’r dudalen hon hefyd ar gael yn Gymraeg


iFind Reading Logo

This guide will instruct you on how to use our reading list software, iFind Reading.

Further advice on how to create an engaging and inclusive reading list can be found on our Academic Staff guide. There you will find information on enhancing pedagogical engagement with items in your reading list and practical steps to help you create diverse and inclusive reading lists.

Reading List Overview

  • Overview:
    • iFind Reading is the University’s reading list management tool. Academics can easily create and publish module and programme reading lists which give their students access to essential course resources to enhance their learning.
    • iFind Reading provides a platform to include a wide range of resources to your reading lists, from physical and e-versions of the Library’s book and journal collections to digitised chapters of books as well as links to online videos and podcasts.
    • iFind Reading is fully integrated into iFind, the Library’s catalogue, making it easy to directly link through to the Library’s resources.
  • Access:
    • Academics and administrators can connect to iFindReading through their Canvas module or directly through iFind Reading's webpage. 
  • Selecting items to add:
    • Please first check our library’s catalogue, iFind, when including items to your list
    • This will give students easy access to locating or accessing resources
    • Please also check for Open Access or free resources
    • If a resource is essential to your course and the Library does not have it, please add it to your reading list for the Library to investigate possibilities of ordering or obtaining access to the resource.
  • Training:
    • If you need any assistance on creating or maintaining your list, please contact your Academic Liaison Librarian