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Naomi Prady

She/Her | Hi/Ei….hi
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Naomi Prady
She/Her | Hi/Ei….hi
Llyfrgell Y Bae/Bay Library
Prifysgol Abertawe Campws y Bae/Swansea University Bay Campus
Ffordd Fabian/Fabian Way
Twyni Crymlyn/Crymlyn Burrows
Academic Liaison Librarian for the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences | Llyfrgellydd Cyswllt Academaidd i'r Cyfadran y Dynaethau a'r Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol

I support the students, researchers, and staff in the Faculty by ensuring the library collections meet their needs and by helping them to developing their information and digital literacy skills.

Rwy’n cefnogi’r myfyrwyr, yr ymchwilwyr, a’r staff yn y Gyfadran drwy sicrhau bod casgliadau’r llyfrgell yn diwallu eu hanghenion a thrwy eu helpu i ddatblygu eu sgiliau gwybodaeth a llythrennedd digidol.

My Guides

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Library terminology
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The College
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Y Coleg
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