Below you will find guidance and examples of how to set out a reference to an online journal article in the body of your work and in the reference list at the end.
Gilmore and Millar (2018) state that...
...(Gilmore & Millar, 2018).
Last name, Initial(s)., & last name, initial(s). (Year). Article title. Journal title in italics, Volume number in italics(issue or part number if needed), page numbers. doi or Retrieved from URL
Dearman, D., Lechner, T. A., & Shanklin, S. B. (2018). Demand for management accounting information in small
businesses: Judgment performance in business planning. International Journal of the Academic Business World,
12, 93-102. Retrieved from
Gilmore, A. & Millar, N. (2018). The language of civil engineering research articles: A corpus-based approach. English for Specific Purposes, 51, 1-17. doi:10.1016/j.esp.2018.02.002