Below you will find guidance and examples of how to set out a reference to a book with six or more authors in the body of your work and in the reference list at the end.
If there are six authors or more, only the first author is cited followed by et al.
Kozier et al. (2012) states that...
....(Kozier et al., 2012).
Last name, Initial(s)., & Last name, initial(s). (Year). Title (edition.). Place: Publisher.
Kozier, B., Erb, G., Berman, A., Snyder, S., Harvey, S., & Morgan-Samuel, H. (2012). Fundamentals of nursing:
Concepts, process and practice (2nd ed.). Harlow: Pearson.
Note: If a reference has 8 or more authors, the first 6 authors are listed followed by ... followed by the final author.