Below you will find guidance and examples of how to set out a reference to an edited book in the body of your work and in the reference list at the end.
Example 1:
According to Anderson (2006) this is...
...(Anderson, 2006).
Example 2: For 3-5 editors
First citation:
Cassell, Cunliffe and Grandy (2018) state that...
....(Cassell, Cunliffe, & Grandy, 2018).
Subsequent citations:
Cassell et al. (2018) claim that...
(Cassell et al., 2018).
Last name, Initial(s). (Ed.). (Year). Title (edition.). Place: Publisher.
Note: Use (Ed.) if one editor and (Eds.) if two or more editors.
Example 1:
Anderson, L. (Ed.). (2006). Creative writing: A workbook with readings (2nd ed.). Abingdon: Routledge.
Example 2:
Cassell, C., Cunliffe, A. L., & Grandy, G. (Eds.). (2018). The Sage handbook of
qualitative business and management research methods. London: Sage.