(crybwyll am y tro cyntaf)
House of Commons, Hansard’s Parliamentary Debates: The Official Report (5 Mai 2009, vol. 492, cols. 25-26) (Llundain: Hansard).
(crybwyll yn ddiweddarach)
House of Commons, vol. 501, col. 12.
House of Commons, Hansard’s Parliamentary Debates: The Official Report (Llundain: Hansard)
House of Commons, Hansard’s Parliamentary Debates: The Official Report (5 Mai 2009, vol. 492, cols. 25-26) [Ar-lein] <http://hansard.parliament.uk/Commons/2009-05-05/debates/0905051000003/EconomicRecovery(Lancashire)> [cyrchwyd 30 Ebrill 2024].
House of Commons, Hansard’s Parliamentary Debates: The Official Report [Ar-lein] <http://hansard.parliament.uk> [cyrchwyd 30 Ebrill 2024]