Library News. Newyddion y Llyfrgell

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profile-icon Bernie Williams
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Thema Mis Hanes LGBT 2021 yw ‘Meddwl, Corff, Ysbryd’.  

Mae nifer o fyfyrwyr yn wynebu amseroedd anarferol eleni felly meddylion ni y byddwn ni’n eich cyfeirio chi i adnoddau ar-lein er mwyn cofleidio’r thema hon…  

Gwyliwch y ffilmiau LGBTQI+ gorau ar Box of Broadcasts. Dewch o hyd i lyfrau newydd i’w darllen ar restr ddarllen Better Read Challenge neu Gasgliad Lles a DarllenLGBT+ y Llyfrgell. Neu, gwyliwch gyfweliadau gydag ysgrifenwyr LGBTQ am ddim ar wefan paned-o-ge 

Mae cymorth a deunydd darllen pellach gan y Brifysgol a’r tu hwnt hefyd ar gael ar dudalennau gwe Ffydd@BywydCampws, Cymorth LGBT+Support a Llenyddiaeth LGBTQ 

Gobeithio y byddwch chi’n mwynhau ein detholiad.  

Mis Hanes LGBT Hapus!  

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profile-icon Bernie Williams
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The 2021 LGBT History month theme is ‘Mind, Body, Spirit’.

Many students are facing unusual times this year, so we thought we’d signpost to some online resources to embrace this theme…

Dive into the best LGBTQI+ films on Box of Broadcasts.  Find new books to read on the Better Read Challenge or on the Library’s Wellbeing Collection and LGBT+ reading lists.  Or tune into some free interviews with LGBTQ writers on the paned-o-ge website.

Further support and reading from the University and beyond can also be found on the Faith@CampusLife, LGBT+Support and LGBTQ Literature web pages.

We hope that you enjoy our selection. 

Happy LGBT History Month!

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profile-icon Philippa Price
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An e-reader, notebook, pen, glasses and a mug on a


Have you taken part in our Better Read challenges? They are a great way to diversify your reading and discover new authors and genres. We’re launching a new one this week!

The plan is simple – read a book that matches each of the categories below. (If you can find a book that matches more than one category, that’s allowed!) We’ve gathered together some suggestions for each prompt. Or find your own books and share your ideas using #suBetterRead.

The challenge runs until 19th April. If you don’t manage to read all your books by then, don’t worry – this is just for fun, so you can take as long as you want to! Let us know how you get on @SwanseaUniLib on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

Read a book that matches each of the categories below.

  • LGBT+ History Month 2021 Faces – A book by or about Lily Parr, Mark Ashton, Maya Angelou, Michael Dillon or Mark Weston.
  • A Reading Well Mood-boosting Book
  • A genre fiction book by a Black author (genre fiction can include crime, fantasy, romance, science fiction, horror…)
  • A book by a woman that won an award in the last five years

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profile-icon Philippa Price
No Subjects

An e-reader, notebook, pen, glasses and a mug on a


Ydych chi wedi cymryd rhan yn ein heriau Darllen yn Well? Maent yn ffordd wych o amrywio eich darllen a dod o hyd i awduron a genres newydd. Rydyn ni’n lansio un newydd yr wythnos hon!

Mae’r cynllun yn syml – darllenwch lyfr sy’n cyd-fynd â phob category isod. (os ydych yn gallu dod o hyd i lyfr sy’n cyd-fynd â mwy nag un categori, mae hawl gwneud hynny!). Rydym wedi casglu rhai awgrymiadau ynghyd ar gyfer pob awgrym. Neu awgrymwch eich llyfrau chi eich hun a rhannu eich syniadau drwy ddefnyddio  #paDarllenYnWell.

Cynhelir yr her tan 19 Ebrill. Os nad ydych chi’n llwyddo i ddarllen pob un o’r llyfrau erbyn hynny, peidiwch â phoeni – hwyl yn unig yw hwn, felly gallwch gymryd faint bynnag o amser sydd ei angen arnoch! Rhowch wybod i ni sut mae’n mynd ar @SwanseaUniLib ar Twitter, Instagram a Facebook.

Darllenwch lyfr sy’n cyd-fynd â phob category isod.

  • Mis Hanes LGBT+ 2021 o Wynebau – Llyfr gan neu am Lily Parr, Mark Ashton, Maya Angelou, Michael Dillon neu Mark Weston
  • Llyfr Darllen yn Well sy’n Rhoi Hwb i’ch Tymer
  • Llyfr ffuglen mewn genre gan awdur Du (gall ffuglen genre gynnwys trosedd, ffantasi, rhamant, ffuglen wyddonol, arswyd...)
  • Llyfr gan fenyw a enillodd wobr yn ystod y pum mlynedd ddiwethaf

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