Library News. Newyddion y Llyfrgell

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profile-icon Philippa Price
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Faith & Community @CampuLife and Swansea University Libraries & Archives have come together to celebrate National Storytelling Week. Stories entertain and connect us. Storytelling can offer a link to our own cultural history and help us understand other peoples. Whether you want to tell your own story or hear stories from our communities, there are events and activities to join in with.

Stories from the Archives

Join the Richard Burton Archives all week on Twitter as they share students’ stories from the University collections. Tales of sporting triumph, tragic events, and life beyond lectures, will be told through photographs, news articles, and other material from the archives. Follow @SwanUniArchives and #StudentStories for a different story each day.

Sharing Migrants Stories: Pandemic Projects from Swansea


16.30-17.30 Monday 1st February 2021 (via Zoom)

Tom Cheesman (Swansea University) and Marie Gillespsie (Open University) have created platforms for marginalised voices, supporting conversations among the mand majorities. Hear them talk about their projects and answer questions. – experience of margainalised voices during covid-19 told through all forms

swanseatales – presents audio recorded stories for children, recorded by people in Swansea in their mother tongue.

Please register your place to get the Zoom joining details.

National Storytelling Week: Telling your own story through reflective writing


16.00-17.00 Wednesday 3rd February 2021 (via Zoom)

Open to all Swansea University Students & Staff. Spend some time with like-minded people who are interested in writing their own story using reflective writing techniques. This session is open to anyone with an interest. You don’t have to have written anything before. Just come with an open mind and a willingness to engage. Please register your place to get the Zoom joining details.

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profile-icon Philippa Price
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Mae Ffydd a Chymuned @BywydCampws a Llyfrgelloedd ac Archifau Prifysgol Abertawe wedi dod ynghyd i ddathlu Wythnos Genedlaethol Adrodd Straeon. Gall straeon ein diddanu ni a’n cysylltu ni ynghyd. Gall adrodd straeon gynnig cyswllt â’n hanes diwylliannol ein hunain a’n helpu ni i ddeall hanes pobl eraill. Os hoffech chi adrodd eich stori eich hun neu glywed straeon gan ein cymunedau, mae digwyddiadau a gweithgareddau y gallwch chi ymuno â nhw.

Straeon Myfyrwyr o’r Archifau

Ymunwch ag Archifau Richard Burton drwy’r wythnos ar Twitter wrth iddynt rannu straeon o gasgliadau’r Brifysgol. Caiff straeon am fuddugoliaethau ym myd chwaraeon, digwyddiadau trychinebus, a bywyd y tu hwnt i ddarlithoedd eu hadrodd trwy ffotograffau, erthyglau newyddion, a deunydd arall o’r archifau. Dilynwch @SwanUniArchives a #StudentStories ar gyfer stori wahanol bob dydd.

Rhannu Straeon Mudwyr: Prosiectau’r Pandemig o Abertawe


16.30-17.30 Dydd Llun 1 Chwefor 2021 (Zoom)

Mae Tom Cheesman  (Prifysgol Abertawe) a Marie Gillespsie (Y Brifysgol Agored) wedi creu llwyfannau ar gyfer lleisiau sydd ar y cyrion, gan gefnogi sgyrsiau rhyngddynt a’r mwyafrifoedd. Gwrandewch arnynt yn trafod eu prosiectau ac yn ateb cwestiynau. – profiad o leisiau ar y cyrion yn ystod pandemig Covid-19 wedi’u hadrodd drwy nifer o ffurfiau – yn cyflwyno straeon clywedol a recordiwyd ar gyfer plant, wedi’u recordio gan bobl yn Abertawe yn eu mamiaith.

Cofrestrwch eich lle er mwyn derbyn y manylion ymuno â Zoom.

Wythnos Genedlaethol Adrodd Stori: Adrodd eich stori eich hun drwy gyfrwng ysgrifennu myfyrgar


16.00-17.00 Dydd Mercher 3 Chwefor 2021 (Zoom)

Treuliwch rywfaint o amser gyda phobl o’r un anian sydd â diddordeb mewn ysgrifennu eu stori eu hun gan ddefnyddio technegau ysgrifennu myfyrgar. Mae’r sesiwn hon yn agored i unrhyw un sydd â diddordeb. Does dim rhaid eich bod chi wedi ysgrifennu unrhyw beth cyn hyn. Y cwbl sydd ei. Cofrestrwch eich lle er mwyn derbyn y manylion ymuno â Zoom.

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profile-icon Philippa Price
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What Library and IT support services are now available?

Students and colleagues should access resources and support services electronically wherever possible. Our online Library guide is available and provides information on accessing electronic resources and about accessing support from Customer Services and Subject Librarians. Information on accessing IT support from the Customer Service Team is available on our Help and Support page.

Please be aware that service hours are subject to change at short notice in response to Welsh Government and University Management requirements. Please check opening hours pages for up-to-date details.

Request & Collect

If there is no alternative and a print resource is required, you can use our Request & Collect Service to request an item from the Library Catalogue and collect it from the Library of your choice. Recalls have now been switched off so that users will not need to worry about returning requested items while unable to visit campus. Check the Opening Hours pages for up-to-date details of each Library.

Bookable study spaces

Bookings are required to use PC workstations and study spaces at Bay Campus and Singleton Park Libraries. Full details and a link to the booking page are available on the Book a Library/Study Space page.

ID card collection

You can collect ID cards from Information Desks at Bay and Singleton Park Libraries, according to where your course of study is based if you are a student. If you are not attending Campus presently to work or study, please do not visit to collect a card.

Document Supply/Scanning Services

Full service details are available in the Document Supply Library Guide.

Transcription Centre

The Transcription Centre is open to students requiring accessible formats.

Loan laptops

Laptop loans are available from Bay and Singleton Park Libraries. We are working with College colleagues to prioritise students who have financial hardship or other extenuating circumstances. Please contact your College Student Engagement or Admin teams to request a loan in the first instance. They will verify need and liaise with Library staff. Seventy-two new self-service lockers have recently been installed at Bay and Singleton Park Libraries and self-service laptop loans will be available very soon.

Remote access to University PCs

Students have access to over 2000 University PCs remotely. Full details and instructions for connecting are available on the remote PC access service page.

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profile-icon Philippa Price
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Pa wasanaethau Llyfrgell a chymorth TG sydd bellach ar gael?

Dylai myfyrwyr a chydweithwyr manteisio ar adnoddau a gwasanaethau cymorth yn electronig lle bynnag y bo modd. Mae ein canllaw i'r Llyfrgell ar-lein ar gael ac mae'n darparu gwybodaeth am fanteisio ar adnoddau electronig a chymorth gan Wasanaethau Cwsmeriaid a Llyfrgellwyr Pwnc. Mae gwybodaeth am ofyn am gymorth TG gan y Tîm Gwasanaeth Cwsmeriaid ar gael ar ein tudalen Cymorth a Chefnogaeth.

Sylwer y gall oriau gwasanaeth newid ar fyr rybudd i ymateb i ofynion Llywodraeth Cymru a thîm Rheoli'r Brifysgol. Ewch i'r tudalennau oriau agor am y manylion diweddaraf.

Cais a Chasglu

Os oes angen adnodd argraffedig arnoch ac os nad oes ffordd arall o gael gafael arno, gallwch ddefnyddio ein Gwasanaeth Cais a Chasglu i archebu eitem o Gatalog y Llyfrgell a'i chasglu o'r Llyfrgell o'ch dewis. Mae adalwadau pellach wedi'u troi bant felly ni fydd angen i ddefnyddwyr pryderi am ddychwelyd eitemau sydd wedi'u hadalw tra nad ydynt yn gallu dod i’r campws. Ewch i'r tudalennau Oriau Agor i gael y manylion diweddaraf am bob llyfrgell.

Neilltuo Lleoedd Astudio

I ddefnyddio gweithfannau cyfrifiadur personol a lleoedd astudio yn llyfrgelloedd Campws y Bae a Pharc Singleton, mae angen archebu ymlaen llaw. Mae manylion llawn a dolen i'r dudalen archebu ar gael ar y dudalen Archebu lle astudio/cyfrifiadur yn y llyfrgell.

Casglu cardiau adnabod

Gall myfyrwyr gasglu cardiau adnabod o'r desgiau gwybodaeth yn llyfrgelloedd y Bae a Pharc Singleton, gan ddibynnu ar ba gampws mae eich cwrs wedi'i leoli. Os nad ydych yn dod i'r campws ar hyn o bryd i weithio neu astudio, gofynnir i chi beidio â dod i gasglu cerdyn.

Gwasanaethau Cyflenwi/Sganio Dogfennau

Mae manylion llawn am y gwasanaeth ar gael yng nghanllaw'r Llyfrgell i Gyflenwi Dogfennau.

Y Ganolfan Drawsgrifio

Mae’r Canolfan Drawsgrifio ar agor i fyfyrwyr y mae angen fformatau hygyrch arnynt.

Benthyca gliniaduron

Mae gliniaduron ar gael i'w benthyca o lyfrgelloedd y Bae a Pharc Singleton. Rydym yn gweithio gyda chydweithwyr yn y Colegau i flaenoriaethu myfyrwyr ag anawsterau ariannol neu amgylchiadau esgusodol eraill. Cysylltwch â thimau Ymgysylltu â Myfyrwyr neu Weinyddol eich Coleg yn y lle cyntaf i ofyn am fenthyca gliniadur. Byddant yn cadarnhau eich angen ac yn cysylltu â staff y Llyfrgell. Mae 72 o loceri hunanwasanaeth newydd wedi cael eu gosod yn llyfrgelloedd y Bae a Pharc Singleton yn ddiweddar a bydd benthyciadau gliniadur hunanwasanaeth ar gael yn fuan iawn.

Mynediad o bell at gyfrifiaduron y Brifysgol

Gall myfyrwyr gael mynediad o bell at dros 2000 o gyfrifiaduron y Brifysgol bellach. Mae manylion llawn a chyfarwyddiadau cysylltu ar gael ar y dudalen gwasanaeth mynediad o bell at gyfrifiaduron.

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