Library News. Newyddion y Llyfrgell

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profile-icon Bernie Williams
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Mae’r 11eg Mis Hanes Anabledd y Deyrnas Unedig yn cael ei gynnal o 18fed Tachwedd tan 18fed Rhagfyr. 

Mae ymgyrch eleni yn canolbwyntio ar hygyrchedd, ac mae’n ystyried faint o gynnydd a brofwyd a faint sydd ar ôl i’w gyflawni. 

Mae cydraddoldeb o ran cael mynediad at yr amgylchedd ffisegol a’r amgylchedd gwybodaeth yn rhywbeth y mae pobl anabl a’u cynghreiriaid wedi ymgyrchu drosto a chydnabyddir hyn fel hawl ddynol sylfaenol. 

Mae hygyrchedd cyffredinol yn sicrhau cyfranogiad, beth bynnag yw’r nam. 

Mae’r Brifysgol a’r Llyfrgell yn ymdrechu’n barhaus i ddefnyddio adnoddau ffisegol, synhwyraidd a thechnegol er mwyn gwella hygyrchedd cyffredinol.   

Gallwch chi ddod o hyd i wybodaeth ynghylch y mesurau er mwyn sicrhau bod gwasanaethau’r Llyfrgell yn hygyrch i bawb ar y dudalen Gwasanaethau Cynhwysol y Llyfrgell.    

Rydyn ni hefyd wedi llunio rhestr ddarllen sy’n tynnu sylw at adnoddau yn ein Llyfrgell sy’n ymwneud ag Anabledd. Mae’r rhain yn cynnwys atgofion a hunangofiannau, ffuglen a hanes anabledd, cyfnodolion a llyfrau am hawliau anabledd. Os oes gennych chi awgrymiadau ynghylch eitemau yn ein casgliadau y gellir eu hychwanegu at y rhestr hon, e-bostiwch ni yn: 

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profile-icon Bernie Williams
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The 11th UK Disability History Month runs from 18th November to 18th December.

The campaign this year is focussing on access, and considers how much progress has been made, and how much still needs to happen.

Equality of access to the physical and information environment is something disabled people and their allies have campaigned to achieve and is recognised as a fundamental human right.

Universal accessibility ensures participation, regardless of impairment.

The university and the library continuously strive to use physical, sensory and technical resources to improve universal accessibility.

You can find information about measures in place to make library services accessible to all on the Inclusive Library Services page.

We have also created a reading list which highlights resources related to Disability in our libraries.  These includes memoirs and autobiographies, Disability Fiction and Disability History, journals and books about Disability Rights.  If you have any suggestions of items in our collections that could be added to this list, please contact us at:

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profile-icon Carine Harston
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We are very pleased to announce that we now provide access to the full contents of

Box of Broadcasts (BoB), the on-demand TV and radio service for students, lecturers and researchers:

  • Search an archive of over 2 million broadcasts dating back to the 1970s
  • Record programmes from over 75 free-to-air channels
  • Watch in the UK anytime, anywhere (on PC, tablet or phone)

Access content from:

  • BBC One, BBC Two, BBC Four, ITV, Channel 4, Film4 and more
  • 10 foreign language channels: Italian, French and German
  • BBC Shakespeare Archive content dating back to the 1950s


Mae’n bleser mawr gennym ni gyhoeddi ein bod ni bellach yn darparu mynediad at gynnwys cyflawn 

Box of Broadcasts (BoB), y gwasanaeth teledu a radio ar alw ar gyfer myfyrwyr, darlithwyr ac ymchwilwyr: 

  • Chwiliwch archif sy’n cynnwys dros 2 filiwn o ddarllediadau sy’n mynd yn ôl i’r 1970au 
  • Recordiwch raglenni oddi ar dros 75 o sianeli darlledu am ddim 
  • Gwyliwch yn y Deyrnas Unedig, ar unrhyw adeg, mewn unrhyw le (ar gyfrifiadur, llechen neu ffôn) 

    Cyrchwch gynnwys o: 
  • BBC One, BBC Two, BBC Four, ITV, Channel 4, Film4 a mwy 
  • 10 sianel iaith dramor: Eidaleg, Ffrangeg ac Almaeneg 
  • Cynnwys BBC Shakespeare Archive sy’n mynd yn ôl i’r 1950au 

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profile-icon Philippa Price
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Writing Week is back! Improve your writing with online workshops throughout the week. Topics include: 

  • Referencing 

  • How to paraphrase 

  • How to write a literature review 

  • Microsoft Office 

  • Punctuation 

  • Critical thinking 

View the full timetable and book sessions online. 

Writing Week logo

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profile-icon Philippa Price
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Mae Wythnos Ysgrifennu yn ôl! Gweithdai ar gael ar-lein drwy gydol yr wythnos i wella eich sgiliau ysgrifennu. Mae’r pynciau’n cynnwys: 

  • Cyfeirnodi 

  • Sut i aralleirio 

  • Sut i ysgrifennu adolygiad o lenyddiaeth 

  • Microsoft Office 

  • Atalnodi 

  • Meddwl yn feirniadol 

Gallwch weld yr amserlen lawn a chofrestru am sesiynau ar-lein

Wythnos Ysgiffennu - logo

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profile-icon Philippa Price
No Subjects

We’re all making more use of online tools and support at the moment. Have you discovered iView Learning yet? This platform provides guides on a comprehensive range of assistive technology tools and productivity software. With an expanding library of content, the resource offers a series of short video tutorials and pdf guides for various versions of software on both Windows and Mac platforms.

You can find how to guides for Microsoft Office, G-Suite for Education and Apple. The Microsoft Office tutorials include Word, Excel and PowerPoint and cover everything from copying and pasting text to using formatting styles and headings in Word (this is so useful when you’re working on long documents like a dissertation!). Use the G-Suite tutorials to get the most out of Google Docs, Sheets and Slides. You can even find help using the assistive technology that’s available on campus PCs to help your productivity.

Register for your free subscription now!

Student studying on laptop

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profile-icon Philippa Price
No Subjects

Rydyn ni’n defnyddio adnoddau a chymorth ar-lein yn fwy ar hyn o bryd. Ydych chi wedi darganfod iView Learning?  Mae'r platfform hwn yn cynnig canllawiau i amrywiaeth gynhwysfawr o offer technoleg gynorthwyol a meddalwedd cynhyrchiant. Mae gan yr adnodd hon lyfrgell o gynnwys sy'n ehangu, ac mae'n cynnig cyfres o fideo-diwtorialau a chanllawiau ar ffurf PDF ar gyfer fersiynau amrywiol o Windows a Mac.

Gallwch chi ddod o hyd i ganllawiau ar gyfer Microsoft Office, G-Suite for Education ac Apple. Mae tiwtorialau Microsoft Office yn cynnwys Word, Excel a PowerPoint ac maent yn cynnwys popeth o gopïo a gludo testun i ddefnyddio arddulliau fformatio a phenawdau yn Word (mae hyn yn ddefnyddiol iawn wrth weithio ar ddogfennau hir megis traethawd estynedig!). Defnyddiwch y tiwtorialau G-Suite i gael y mwyaf o Google Docs, Sheets a Slides. Gallwch chi hyd yn oed dderbyn cymorth trwy ddefnyddio’r dechnoleg gynorthwyol sydd ar gael ar gyfrifiaduron y campws er mwyn helpu eich lefelau cynhyrchiant.

Cofrestrwch ar gyfer eich tanysgrifiad am ddim nawr!

Student studying on laptop

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