Welcome to Day 5 of 5 Days of Library! Today we’re going to let you know about the support available to you from the library, including the staff who are here to help.
MyUni Library Team
MyUni Library staff are there to help you in our buildings and using library facilities. They can help if you have questions about your library account too. Here are a few of the things they can assist you with:
Books and other physical library materials
Electronic library resources
Inter Library Loans
Library printing, copying and scanning services
Library loan laptops
Booking a library study space
ID Card issue and replacement
Bookable library tours
You’ll see members of the team at the MyUni Library Desk at Bay Library and Singleton Park Library during staffed opening hours. You can also contact them by email, chat, phone, and the online Library Help Desk. See the Contact the Library page for details.
Library subject support
Once you’ve settled into your course you might find you need some help with finding journal articles and specialist information for your assignments. Perhaps you want to make sure you can critically evaluate sources for quality and reference everything properly. Your subject librarians can help! Here are some of the best ways to improve your skills:
Look at our Library Guides, your gateway to subject specialist resources and information. Find your subject’s Library Guide to see where you can browse for books on your subject, tips on searching effectively and contact details for your subject librarians.
Enrol on MyUni Library Essentials, an online course of bitesize tutorials, videos and information to help you get the most out of the library and our services. There are four sections – Using the Library, Researching, Referencing and Getting Help. Using the Library is particularly good for new students, but you can do the course as it suits you – work through all the sections or just the ones you’d like extra help with.
Browse Library Skills classes and register for as many as you like. Subject librarians offer classes throughout the year, and they are open to all students. Classes cover a range of skills and there is a rolling induction programme of the most popular topics – Library Induction, Introduction to iFind and Ebooks, Search Tips, An Introduction to Databases, Evaluating Sources and Referencing with APA7. They’re running every month this term, so you’ve got plenty of opportunities to upskill!
Aimed at final year students and researchers, these 4 sessions are designed to build up your systematic search strategy.
We will cover:
PRISMA flowcharts
When: Tuesday 18th-Friday 21st March
Who: Final year students and researchers
Where: Online
To register please visit our Library Skills Programme pages.
Wedi'u hanelu at fyfyrwyr blwyddyn olaf ac ymchwilwyr, mae'r 4 sesiwn hyn wedi'u cynllunio i adeiladu eich strategaeth chwilio systematig. Byddwn yn cwmpasu:
Cynnal chwiliad cwmpasu
Defnyddio Penawdau Pwnc i greu chwiliad gryf
EndNote i storio a rheoli eich canlyniadau chwilio
Siartiau llif PRISMA
Pryd: Dydd Mawrth 18fed-Gwener 21ain Mawrth
Pwy: Myfyrwyr ac ymchwilwyr y flwyddyn olaf
Ble: Ar-lein
I gofrestru ewch i'n tudalennau Rhaglen Sgiliau Llyfrgell.