Library News. Newyddion y Llyfrgell

Showing 10 of 311 Results

profile-icon Elen Davies
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Aimed at final year students and researchers, these 4 sessions are designed to build up your systematic search strategy.  

We will cover:

  • Conducting a scoping search
  • Using Subject Headings to create a robust search
  • EndNote to store and manage your search results
  • PRISMA flowcharts

    When: Tuesday 18th-Friday 21st March

    Who: Final year students and researchers

    Where: Online 

    To register please visit our Library Skills Programme pages.


Wedi'u hanelu at fyfyrwyr blwyddyn olaf ac ymchwilwyr, mae'r 4 sesiwn hyn wedi'u cynllunio i adeiladu eich strategaeth chwilio systematig. Byddwn yn cwmpasu: 

  • Cynnal chwiliad cwmpasu 

  • Defnyddio Penawdau Pwnc i greu chwiliad gryf 

  • EndNote i storio a rheoli eich canlyniadau chwilio 

  • Siartiau llif PRISMA 

    Pryd: Dydd Mawrth 18fed-Gwener 21ain Mawrth 

    Pwy: Myfyrwyr ac ymchwilwyr y flwyddyn olaf 

    Ble: Ar-lein

    I gofrestru ewch i'n tudalennau Rhaglen Sgiliau Llyfrgell.

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profile-icon Philippa Price
No Subjects

Welcome to Day 5 of 5 Days of Library! Today we’re going to let you know about the support available to you from the library, including the staff who are here to help. 

MyUni Library Team 

MyUni Library staff are there to help you in our buildings and using library facilities. They can help if you have questions about your library account too. Here are a few of the things they can assist you with: 

  • Books and other physical library materials   

  • Electronic library resources  

  • Inter Library Loans  

  • Library printing, copying and scanning services   

  • Library loan laptops  

  • Booking a library study space  

  • ID Card issue and replacement  

  • Bookable library tours 


You’ll see members of the team at the MyUni Library Desk at Bay Library and Singleton Park Library during staffed opening hours.  You can also contact them by email, chat, phone, and the online Library Help Desk. See the Contact the Library page for details. 

Library subject support 

Once you’ve settled into your course you might find you need some help with finding journal articles and specialist information for your assignments. Perhaps you want to make sure you can critically evaluate sources for quality and reference everything properly. Your subject librarians can help! Here are some of the best ways to improve your skills: 

  • Look at our Library Guides, your gateway to subject specialist resources and information. Find your subject’s Library Guide to see where you can browse for books on your subject, tips on searching effectively and contact details for your subject librarians. 

  • Enrol on MyUni Library Essentials, an online course of bitesize tutorials, videos and information to help you get the most out of the library and our services. There are four sections – Using the Library, Researching, Referencing and Getting Help. Using the Library is particularly good for new students, but you can do the course as it suits you – work through all the sections or just the ones you’d like extra help with. 

  • Browse Library Skills classes and register for as many as you like. Subject librarians offer classes throughout the year, and they are open to all students. Classes cover a range of skills and there is a rolling induction programme of the most popular topics – Library Induction, Introduction to iFind and Ebooks, Search Tips, An Introduction to Databases, Evaluating Sources and Referencing with APA7. They’re running every month this term, so you’ve got plenty of opportunities to upskill!  

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profile-icon Philippa Price
No Subjects

Croeso i Ddiwrnod 5 o 5 Niwrnod o'r Llyfrgell! Heddiw, rydyn ni'n mynd i roi gwybod i chi am y cymorth sydd ar gael i chi yn y llyfrgell, gan gynnwys y staff sydd yma i helpu. 

Tîm Llyfrgelloedd MyUni 

Mae staff Llyfrgelloedd MyUni yno i'ch helpu yn ein hadeiladau ac wrth ddefnyddio cyfleusterau'r llyfrgell. Gallant helpu os oes gennych gwestiynau am eich cyfrif llyfrgell hefyd. Dyma rai o'r pethau y gallant eich helpu gyda nhw: 

  • Llyfrau a deunyddiau  eraill y llyfrgell   

  • Adnodau electronig y llyfrgell  

  • Benthyciadau rhwng llyfrgelloedd  

  • Gwasanaethau argraffu, copïo a sganio'r llyfrgell   

  • Benthyca gliniaduron o'r llyfrgell  

  • Cadw lle astudio yn y llyfrgell  

  • Dyroddi ac amnewid cardiau adnabod  

  • Trefnu teithiau o'r llyfrgell 


Byddwch yn gweld aelodau o'r tîm wrth Ddesg Llyfrgelloedd MyUni yn Llyfrgell y Bae a Llyfrgell Parc Singleton yn ystod oriau agor â staffGallwch hefyd gysylltu â nhw drwy e-bost, sgwrs fyw, ffôn, a Desg Gymorth ar-lein y Llyfrgell. Gweler y dudalen Cysylltu â'r Llyfrgell am fanylion. 

Cymorth Pwnc gan y Llyfrgell 

Ar ôl i chi ymsefydlu yn eich cwrs efallai bydd angen rhywfaint o help arnoch i ddod o hyd i erthyglau mewn cyfnodolion a gwybodaeth arbenigol ar gyfer eich aseiniadau. Efallai byddwch am wneud yn siŵr y gallwch werthuso ffynonellau yn feirniadol ar gyfer ansawdd a chyfeirnodi popeth yn iawn. Gall eich llyfrgellwyr pwnc helpu! Dyma rai o'r ffyrdd gorau o wella eich sgiliau: 

  • Edrychwch ar ein Canllawiau'r Llyfrgell, eich porth i adnoddau a gwybodaeth arbenigol ar gyfer eich pwnc. Dewch o hyd i'r Canllaw Llyfrgell ar gyfer eich pwnc i weld ble gallwch bori am lyfrau ar eich pwnc, awgrymiadau ar chwilio'n effeithiol a manylion cyswllt ar gyfer eich llyfrgellwyr pwnc. 

  • Cofrestrwch ar Hanfodion Llyfrgell MyUni, cwrs ar-lein o diwtorialau, fideos a gwybodaeth cryno i'ch helpu i gael y gorau o'r llyfrgell a'n gwasanaethau. Mae pedair adranDefnyddio'r Llyfrgell, Ymchwilio, Cyfeirnodi a Ceisio Cymorth. Mae Defnyddio'r Llyfrgell yn arbennig o dda i fyfyrwyr newydd, ond gallwch wneud y cwrs fel y mae'n addas i chi – gan weithio drwy'r holl adrannau neu dim ond y rhai yr hoffech chi gael help ychwanegol gyda nhw. 

  • Porwch drwy ddosbarthiadau Sgiliau’r Llyfrgell a chofrestru ar gyfer cynifer ag y dymunwch. Mae llyfrgellwyr pwnc yn cynnig dosbarthiadau drwy gydol y flwyddyn, ac maent ar agor i bob myfyriwr. Mae'r dosbarthiadau'n cwmpasu amrywiaeth o sgiliau ac mae rhaglen ymsefydlu dreigl sy'n cynnwys y pynciau mwyaf poblogaiddCyflwyniad i'r Llyfrgell, Cyflwyniad i iFind ac E-lyfrau, Awgrymiadau ar gyfer Chwilio, Cyflwyniad i Gronfeydd Data, Gwerthuso Ffynonellau a Chyfeirnodi ag APA7. Fe'u cynhelir bob mis y tymor hwn, felly mae gennych chi ddigon o gyfleoedd i wella eich sgiliau! 

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profile-icon Philippa Price
No Subjects

 We encourage you to work hard and do your best while you’re at university, but it’s also important to take time to relax and have fun. Our campuses have a range of Student Spaces for study and socialising. We focused on the study spaces in the libraries on Day 3; today we’ll look at how we can support your wellbeing. 

Better Read – reading for pleasure and wellbeing  

Reading for pleasure is a proven form of stress relief, so taking time to read something other than your course texts can be good for your wellbeing. The Better Read page has links to more information on the benefits of reading and suggestions of books you can borrow from the library.  (Check back to Days 1and 2 for more information about borrowing from the library!) 

The Better Read page also has a link to the Wellbeing Collection. This is a collection of self-help books on a range of subjects such as stress management, sleep, eating disorders, the menopause and even some cookery books. The Wellbeing Collection is available to all students and staff. You can find the books in the Study Area on Level 1 West in Singleton Park Library and in the Wellbeing Corner near the group study pod in Bay Library. There are also e-books available for some titles. There’s good evidence that bibliotherapy – using books for self-help therapy – can be very effective, but please do reach out to the university’s Student Support Services if you’re struggling. 

Student kitchen 

Bay and Singleton Park libraries both have kitchen facilities for you to use. You can help yourself to hot water to make a cup of tea or maybe some noodles; there’s drinking water if you need to top up your bottle; and there are microwaves if you want to heat up some food (please don’t leave microwaves unattended or heat up anything metal!). We’re happy for you to eat cold food anywhere in the library, but if you’re eating a hot meal, please do this in the kitchen. Students in St David’s Park can find microwaves and boiling water in the common room so you can have something hot to eat and a cuppa too! 

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profile-icon Philippa Price
No Subjects

Rydym yn dy annog i weithio'n galed a gwneud dy orau tra byddi di yn y brifysgol, ond mae hefyd yn bwysig cymryd amser i ymlacio a chael hwyl. Mae gan ein campysau amrywiaeth o fannau i fyfyrwyr astudio a chymdeithasu. Gwnaethon ni ganolbwyntio ar y mannau astudio yn y llyfrgelloedd ar Ddiwrnod 3; heddiw rydym yn edrych ar sut gallwn ni gefnogi dy les. 

Darllen yn Well – darllen er pleser a lles  

Mae wedi'i brofi bod darllen er pleser yn ffordd o leddfu straen, felly gall cymryd amser i ddarllen rhywbeth ar wahân i lyfrau testun eich cyrsiau fod yn dda i'ch lles. Mae gan y dudalen Darllen yn Well ddolenni i gael rhagor o wybodaeth am fanteision darllen ac awgrymiadau o lyfrau y gallwch chi eu benthyca o'r llyfrgell.   

Yn ogystal, mae gan y dudalen Darllen yn Well ddolen i'r Casgliad Lles. Dyma gasgliad o lyfrau hunangymorth ar amrywiaeth o bynciau megis rheoli straen, cysgu, anhwylderau bwyta, y menopos a hyd yn oed llyfrau coginio. Mae'r Casgliad Lles ar gael i bob myfyriwr ac aelod o staff. Gallwch ddod o hyd i'r llyfrau yn yr Ardal Astudio ar Lefel 1 - Gorllewin yn Llyfrgell Parc Singleton ac yn y Gornel Les gerllaw'r pod astudio grŵp yn Llyfrgell y Bae. Hefyd, mae fersiynau e-lyfr ar gael i rai ohonynt. Mae tystiolaeth dda y gall bibliotherapisef defnyddio llyfrau ar gyfer therapi hunangymorthfod yn effeithiol iawn, ond cysylltwch â Gwasanaethau Cymorth Myfyrwyr y brifysgol os ydych chi'n ei chael hi'n anodd ymdopi. 

Cegin myfyrwyr 

Mae gan lyfrgelloedd Campws y Bae a Champws Parc Singleton gyfleusterau cegin i ti eu defnyddio. Gelli di helpu dy hun i ddŵr poeth i wneud paned neu nwdls; mae dŵr yfed os bydd angen i ti lenwi dy botel; ac mae microdonau os bydd awydd cynhesu bwyd arnat ti (paid â gadael microdonau pan fyddant ar waith a phaid â chynhesu metel!). Rydym yn hapus i ti fwyta bwyd oer unrhyw le yn y llyfrgell, ond, os wyt ti'n bwyta bwyd poeth, gofynnwn i ti wneud hyn yn y gegin. Gall myfyrwyr ym Mharc Dewi Sant ddefnyddio'r microdonau a’r dŵr berw yn yr ystafell gyffredin i chi gael rhywbeth poeth i fwyta a phaned hefyd! 

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profile-icon Philippa Price
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On Day 3 of 5 Days of Library we’re going to look at the study space available to you in the libraries. There are a range of spaces to meet different needs and preferences. You don’t need to book a place to study in the library – just come in and find an empty seat! - but see our webpage Book a library study space or PC space to find out about the different places you can study in the library: 

  • Open access study spaces 

  • Bookable PC / study spaces 

  • Group study spaces 

  • Postgraduate spaces 

St David’s Park students can use the PC spaces in the library there. You can also use the common room and other spaces around the building. 

 We know how important it is to have somewhere pleasant to work so we’ve been making improvements to our study spaces. Here are a few of the places you’ll find in our libraries! 

A collage of attractive study spaces in the library

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profile-icon Philippa Price
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Ar ddiwrnod 3 o 5 Niwrnod o'r Llyfrgell, rydym yn mynd i edrych ar y mannau astudio sydd ar gael iti yn y llyfrgelloedd. Mae amrywiaeth o fannau ar gael i ddiwallu anghenion a dewisiadau. Nid oes angen iti gadw lle i astudio yn y llyfrgell - dere draw a chanfod sedd wag! - ond gweler ein tudalen we er mwyn Cadw Lle i Astudio yn y Llyfrgell neu le â chyfrifiadur personol i weld y lleoedd gwahanol y gelli di astudio ynddynt yn y llyfrgell: 

  • Mannau Astudio Mynediad Agored 

  • Mannau Astudio/CP Cyffredinol 

  • Mannau Astudio Grŵp 

  • Mannau CP Ôl-raddedig 

Gall myfyrwyr Parc Dewi Sant ddefnyddio'r mannau cyfrifiaduron yn y llyfrgell yno. Gallwch hefyd ddefnyddio'r ystafell gyffredin ac ardaloedd eraill yn yr adeilad. 

Rydym yn gwybod pa mor bwysig ydyw i gael lle pleserus i weithio, felly rydym wedi bod yn gwneud gwelliannau i'n mannau astudio. Dyma rai o'r lleoedd sydd ar gael yn ein llyfrgelloedd! 

A collage of attractive study spaces in the library

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profile-icon Philippa Price
No Subjects

Welcome to Day 2 of 5 Days of Library! Yesterday we looked at finding books; today is all about borrowing, requesting and returning those books once you’ve found them! 

Requesting a book  

Once you’ve found the resource you need in iFind, click on the title and scroll down to the Location information to see how many copies are available. If there are 0 copies available, they are probably out on loan and you’ll need to request the book. You can also use the request option to collect books from a different library so, for example, when the book you need is in Singleton Park Library you can request to collect it from Bay Library if you’d prefer. 

A screenshot of a book

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You need to log in to iFind to request books; you’ll see a message to remind you if you’re not already signed. (You can also request books from your reading lists in Canvas.) From there you can select which campus library you want to pick it up from. Then you just have to wait for an email informing you that it’s ready for collection! Each library has a Request & Collect shelf – find your order, and then you can issue it onto your account (which we’ll discuss next!). The Request & Collect shelf in St David’s Park Library is in the staff office for security so you’ll need to ask for your book at the desk. You can find out more about Using the Request and Collect Service on our webpage. 


Borrowing books 

Undergraduate and postgraduate students can borrow up to 30 items at a time. (Please note, for undergraduates this total includes a maximum of 15 items from St David’s Park Library.) We’ll let you know when the books need to come back. Please check your university email every day so you don’t miss any messages! Books are recalled when another library user requests it so you may need to return your book within a week. If no one is waiting for your book, we will automatically renew it for you so you can keep it for longer. 

You'll find self-issue kiosks like the one below in our libraries. You can use them to borrow books you’ve requested or books you’ve found yourself on the shelves. Press borrow on the touchscreen and scan your student card, and you’ll be taken to your account. Then just place each book under the scanner! We recommend scanning them one at a time – this makes certain the alarm tags are deactivated. Once the name of the book appears on the screen it’s yours to take! You will need to bring it back at some point though, so let’s look at that next. 

A white rectangular electronic device with a touch screen 


 A computer screen on a blue wall

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Here’s the returns machine, which you’ll find opposite the MyUni Library information desk at Bay Library, and a little past the MyUni Library desk at Singleton Park Library, alongside the stairs. You don’t need your student card for returns, just press the start button and place the book onto the conveyor belt – it’ll then whisk it away, taking it off your account and sorting it ready for staff to reshelve. Put the books on one at a time and wait for the green light before placing the next book.   

St David’s Park Library has no returns machine as the self-issue kiosk also has an option to return – scan your student card and choose Return on the touch screen, then place your books under the scanner in the same way as when you borrow them. 

Help! I’ve had an error message!  

Not to worry, technology can always be a bit temperamental. You can wait for the message to clear and try again, or just bring the books to the MyUni Library desk so staff can issue or return the books for you.    

How can I check what books I have? 

You can check your library account at any time by logging to iFind and clicking on your name in the top right corner – your account is one of the options there, and it will give you all the information you need.   

Further information 

You can find out more about Borrowing, Renewing and Requesting Library Items on our webpage. You can also enrol on our online course, MyUni Library Essentials and go to the section on Using the Library. 

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profile-icon Philippa Price
No Subjects

Croeso i Ddiwrnod 2 o 5 Niwrnod o'r Llyfrgell! Ddoe, gwnaethon ni ystyried dod o hyd i lyfrau; heddiw, byddwn yn trafod benthyca, cyflwyno ceisiadau am lyfrau a dychwelyd llyfrau ar ôl i ti orffen gyda nhw! 

Cyflwyno cais am lyfr  

Ar ôl i ti ddod o hyd i adnodd y mae ei angen arnat ti yn iFind, clicia ar y teitl a sgrolia i lawr i'r wybodaeth am leoliadau adnoddau i weld sawl copi sydd ar gael. Os nad oes unrhyw gopïau ar gael, hynny yw, bydd "0" yn ymddangos, mae'n debygol eu bod nhw i gyd ar fenthyg a bydd angen i ti gyflwyno cais am y llyfr. Gelli di hefyd gyflwyno cais i gasglu llyfrau o lyfrgell wahanol felly, er enghraifft, os bydd y llyfr y mae ei angen arnat ti yn Llyfrgell Parc Singleton, gelli di gyflwyno cais i'w gasglu o Lyfrgell Campws y Bae os byddai hynny’n well gennyt. 

A screenshot of a book

Description automatically generated 

Mae angen i ti fewngofnodi i iFind i gyflwyno ceisiadau am lyfrau; byddi di'n gweld neges i'th atgoffa os nad wyt ti eisoes wedi mewngofnodi. (Gelli di hefyd gyflwyno ceisiadau am lyfrau o'th restrau darllen yn Canvas.) O'r fan honno, gelli di ddewis pa lyfrgell ar y ddau gampws rwyt ti am gasglu'r llyfr ynddi. Yna, mae angen i ti aros am e-bost a fydd yn rhoi gwybod i ti fod dy lyfr yn barod i'w gasglu! Mae gan bob llyfrgell silff Cyflwyno Cais a Chasglugelli di ddod o hyd i'th archeb, ac yna ei throsglwyddo i'th gyfrif (byddwn ni'n trafod hwn nesaf!). Mae'r silff Cais a Chasglu yn Llyfrgell Parc Dewi Sant yn swyddfa’r staff er diogelwch felly mae angen i chi ofyn am eich llyfr wrth y ddesg. Mae rhagor o wybodaeth am ddefnyddio'r gwasanaeth Cais a Chasglu ar ein tudalen we. 


Benthyca llyfrau 

Gall myfyrwyr israddedig ac ôl-raddedig fenthyca hyd at 30 o eitemau ar yr un pryd. (Sylwer, yn achos myfyrwyr israddedig, mae'r cyfanswm hwn yn cynnwys uchafswm o 15 o eitemau o Lyfrgell Parc Dewi Sant.) Byddwn ni'n rhoi gwybod i ti pan fydd angen i'r llyfrau gael eu dychwelyd. Cadwa llygad ar dy gyfrif e-bost yn y brifysgol bob dydd fel na fyddi di'n colli negeseuon! Bydd angen dychwelyd llyfrau pan fydd defnyddiwr arall yn y llyfrgell yn gwneud cais amdanynt felly gall fod angen i ti ddychwelyd dy lyfr o fewn wythnos. Os nad oes neb yn aros am dy lyfr, byddwn ni'n adnewyddu'r cais yn awtomatig ar dy ran fel y gelli di ei gadw am hwy. 

Gelli di ddod o hyd i giosgau hunanwasanaeth fel yr un isod yn ein llyfrgelloedd. Gelli di eu defnyddio i fenthyca llyfrau rwyt ti wedi gwneud cais amdanynt neu lyfrau rwyt ti wedi dod o hyd iddynt ar y silffoedd. Gwasga'r botwm i fenthyca eitem ar y sgrîn gyffwrdd a sgania dy gerdyn myfyriwr a byddi di'n mynd i'th gyfrif. Yna, rho pob llyfr o dan y sganiwr! Rydyn ni'n argymell dy fod ti'n eu sganio nhw un ar y tromae hyn yn gwneud yn siŵr bod y tagiau larwm yn cael eu dadactifadu. Pan fydd enw'r llyfr yn ymddangos ar y sgrîn, gelli di fynd ag ef! Ond, bydd rhaid i ti ei ddychwelyd ar ryw bwynt, felly byddwn ni'n ystyried sut i wneud hynny nesaf. 

A white rectangular electronic device with a touch screen 


 A computer screen on a blue wall

Description automatically generated 

Dyma'r peiriant dychwelyd llyfrau. Mae un o'r rhain gyferbyn â desg wybodaeth Llyfrgell MyUni yn Llyfrgell y Bae ac mae un ohonynt ar bwys desg Llyfrgell MyUni yn Llyfrgell Parc Singleton, ger y grisiau. Does dim angen dy gerdyn myfyriwr i ddychwelyd llyfrau. Gwasga'r botwm i ddechrau'r broses a gosod y llyfr ar y cludfeltyna, bydd y cludfelt yn mynd ag ef i ffwrdd, gan ei ddileu o'th gyfrif a'i ddidoli i staff ei roi ar y silffoedd eto. Rho'r llyfrau ar y cludfelt un ar y tro ac arhosa am y golau gwyrdd cyn gosod y llyfr nesaf 

Nid oes gan Lyfrgell Parc Dewi Sant beiriant dychwelyd oherwydd bod gan y ciosg hunanwasanaeth opsiwn dychwelyd - sganiwch eich cerdyn myfyriwr a dewis Dychwelyd ar y sgrîn gyffwrdd, yna gosodwch eich llyfrau o dan y sganiwr yn yr un modd â phan rydych yn eu benthyg. 

Cymorth! Rwyf wedi cael neges gwall 

Paid â phoeni, gall technoleg fod yn anwadal weithiau. Gelli di aros i'r neges ddiflannu a rhoi cynnig arall arni neu gelli di ddod â'r llyfrau i ddesg Llyfrgell MyUni fel y gall staff roi'r llyfrau ar fenthyg i ti neu eu dychwelyd.    

Sut gallaf wirio pa lyfrau sydd gennyf? 

Gelli di wirio dy gyfrif Llyfrgell ar unrhyw adeg drwy fewngofnodi i iFind a chlicio ar dy enw yn y gornel dde ar y brig – mae dy gyfrif yn un o'r opsiynau yno, a bydd yn rhoi'r holl wybodaeth y mae ei hangen arnat ti.   

Rhagor o wybodaeth 

Gelli di gael rhagor o wybodaeth ynghylch Benthyca, adnewyddu a chyflwyno cais am eitemau'r llyfrgell  ar ein tudalen we. Gelli di hefyd gofrestru ar gyfer ein cwrs ar-lein, Hanfodion Llyfrgell MyUni a mynd i'r adran am ddefnyddio'r Llyfrgell. 


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profile-icon Philippa Price
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Books are often the first thing people think about when they think about the library so on Day 1 of 5 Days of Library we’re going to make sure you can find the books you need! 

Finding a Book via your Reading List  

Your lecturers will often recommend textbooks and other reading for your modules. Start here when you want to find out more about a topic. You can find a module’s reading list on Canvas; navigate to the relevant module and select ‘Reading List’ on the left of the screen. The reading list is integrated with iFind, the library catalogue, so you’ll get up to date information on the availability of books on the shelves and links to access online resources like ebooks and journal articles.  

Screen clip of the menu in a Canvas course - Home, Modules, Assignments, Reading List and Announcements

Finding a Book via iFind  

Your reading list is a great place to start, but you will also be expected to find your own reading for your assignments. You can use the library catalogue, iFind for that! Access iFind at or via the widget in the MySwansea app. You can search for a specific title or for books on a particular topic. Why not have a go now? Follow the link to iFind and do a search for study skills. There are a lot of materials in the catalogue, but you can narrow your results using the filter options on the left of the results page. 

Finding a Book on the Shelves  

Once you’ve found what you want on iFind, you’ll need to find the book in the library. So how do you do that? Well, first you’ll need to check which of Swansea University’s libraries have copies of the book! You’ll find that information on iFInd – click the title of the book and scroll down to Locations. next you’ll need to know the call number– you’ll find that on iFind too, and it will look something like this: PR6060 O497 H69 2009 

Item detials on an iFind record with the call number circled - PR6060 O497 H69 2009 
All of our books have call numbers on their spines and are shelved in order. When you’re looking for a call number, find the letters first and then look for the numbers. At Bay Library and St David's Park Library, everything is on one floor – which means you can follow the shelves from A through to Z relatively simply. At Singleton Park Library there are books on three different floors and five different wings, which can be more challenging, especially when you're new! If you can’t find your way around, a member of staff will be happy to point you in the right direction or find it themselves if you’re really stuck. You'll soon get to know where your books are!    

Further help 

If you’d like to know more about finding books, please enrol on our online course, MyUni Library Essentials, and go to the section on Using the Library. 


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