Library News. Newyddion y Llyfrgell

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profile-icon Philippa Price

Swansea University Inclusivity logo

Do you wonder what it’s like to be diagnosed with ADHD as an adult? To move to a different country where you’re suddenly the minority? To support a child through terrible mental health difficulties? To challenge preconceptions about yourself? Our Living Books do and they want to talk to you about it! On the 21st and 23rd March, you’ll have the chance to borrow our Books for a 15-20 minute conversation about themselves. Get a taste of their story on our previous blog post and see their availability below. (There’s no need to register, but please note that Living Books are giving their time freely and need to work around other their commitments, so they won’t all be available when you visit.)

11.00-16.00 Tuesday 21st March – Taliesin Create, Singleton Park Campus

Amber Arrowsmith, Em Cookson-Williams, Mohsen El-Beltagi, Kirsty Hill, Theresa Ogbekhiulu, Shaun, Sophie Smith and Siân Thomas

11.00-16.00 Thursday 23rd March – Y Twyni, Bay Campus

Tara Crank, Mohsen El-Beltagi, Theresa Ogbekhiulu, Shaun and Siân Thomas

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profile-icon Philippa Price

Swansea University Inclusivity logo

Ydych chi'n tybio sut beth yw cael diagnosis o ADHD fel oedolyn? Symud i wlad wahanol lle rydych chi yn y lleiafrif yn sydyn? Cefnogi plentyn drwy anawsterau iechyd meddwl ofnadwy? Herio rhagdybiaethau amdanoch chi? Dyna beth mae ein Llyfrau Byw yn ei wneud ac maen nhw am siarad â chi amdano! Ar 21 a 23 Mawrth, bydd cyfle i chi fenthyg ein Llyfrau i gael sgwrs 15-20 munud am eu hunain. Cewch chi flas ar eu stori yn ein postiad blog blaenorol a chewch chi weld eu hargaeledd isod. (Er nad oes angen cofrestru, cofiwch fod cyfranwyr Llyfrau Byw yn rhoi eu hamser am ddim ac mae ganddynt ymrwymiadau eraill i'w hystyried, felly efallai na fyddant ar gael pan fyddwch yn ymweld.)

11.00-16.00 Dydd Mawrth 21 Mawrth – Creu Taliesin, Campws Parc Singleton

Amber Arrowsmith, Em Cookson-Williams, Mohsen El-Beltagi, Kirsty Hill, Theresa Ogbekhiulu, Shaun, Sophie Smith a Siân Thomas

11.00-16.00 Dydd Iau 23 Mawrth – Y Twyni, Campws Y Bae

Tara Crank, Mohsen El-Beltagi, Theresa Ogbekhiulu, Shaun a Siân Thomas

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profile-icon Philippa Price

Woman sitting cross-legged on a couch reading a book. There are bookshelves filled with books behind her.

It’s World Book Day, so what better time to tell you about some new books we’ve bought for the Library! We’ve added over 30 new titles to the fiction section of the Wellbeing Collection in Bay and Singleton Park Libraries. We asked library staff for ideas of what to buy, so you’ll find some of our favourite books on the shelves. You can Request and borrow the books as normal. They’ll be renewed for you automatically unless someone else Requests them, so no need to worry about due dates, just check your email in case we do need them back!

Reading for pleasure is a really good form of stress relief, so try to make some time in the week to settle down with a book. There is more information about the benefits of reading and some recommendations on our Better Read page.

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profile-icon Philippa Price


Woman sitting cross-legged on a couch reading a book. There are bookshelves filled with books behind her.

Mae'n Ddiwrnod y Llyfr, felly pa well amser i ddweud wrthych chi am lyfrau newydd rydym ni wedi eu prynu ar gyfer y Llyfrgell! Rydym ni wedi ychwanegu mwy na 30 o nofelau newydd i adran ffuglen y Casgliad Lles yn Llyfrgelloedd y Bae a Pharc Singleton. Gofynnon ni i staff y llyfrgell am syniadau ynghylch yr hyn i'w brynu, felly gwelwch chi ychydig o'n hoff lyfrau ar y silffoedd. Gallwch ofyn am y llyfrau a'u benthyg fel arfer. Byddan nhw'n cael eu hadnewyddu i chi yn awtomatig oni bai bod rhywun arall yn gofyn amdanynt, felly nid oes angen poeni am ddyddiadau dychwelyd, dim ond gwirio'ch e-bost rhag ofn y bydd eu hangen arnom yn ôl!

Mae darllen er pleser yn ffordd dda iawn o ryddhau straen, felly ceisiwch neilltuo peth amser yn ystod yr wythnos i ymlacio gyda llyfr. Ceir rhagor o wybodaeth am fanteision darllen, ynghyd ag argymhellion, ar ein tudalen Darllen yn Well.

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