Library News. Newyddion y Llyfrgell

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profile-icon Philippa Price

Have you taken part in our Better Read challenges? They are a great way to diversify your reading and discover new authors and genres. We are launching a new Better Read reading challenge inspired by LGBT+ History Month.

Read a book that matches each of the categories below.

  • LGBTQ+ History

  • Welsh LGBTQ+

  • Understanding LGBTQ+

  • Fiction

We’ve gathered together some suggestions for each prompt. Our suggestions include books bought in collaboration with the Students’ Union.

Or find your own books and share your ideas using #suBetterRead.

Let us know how you get on @SwanseaUniLib on Twitter and Instagram.

The challenge runs until 31st March 2023.

A pile of books about LGBTQ+ people and issues

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profile-icon Philippa Price

Ydych chi wedi cymryd rhan yn ein heriau Darllen yn Well? Maent yn ffordd wych o amrywio eich darllen a dod o hyd i awduron a genres newydd. Rydym yn lansio her ddarllen Darllen Gwell newydd wedi’i hysbrydoli gan Fis Hanes LGBT+

Darllenwch lyfr sy’n cyd-fynd â phob category isod. 

  • Hanes LGBTQ+

  • LGBTQ+ Cymraeg

  • Deall LGBTQ+  

  • Ffuglen

Rydym wedi casglu rhai awgrymiadau ynghyd ar gyfer pob awgrym. Mae ein hawgrymiadau’n cynnwys llyfrau a brynwyd mewn cydweithrediad ag Undeb y Myfyrwyr.

Neu awgrymwch eich llyfrau chi eich hun a rhannu eich syniadau drwy ddefnyddio  #paDarllenYnWell.

Rhowch wybod i ni sut mae’n mynd ar @SwanseaUniLib ar Twitter a Instagram.

Cynhelir yr her tan 31 Mawrth 2023.

A pile of books about LGBTQ+ people and issues

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profile-icon Naomi Prady
No Subjects

The library is looking for international students to help us improve the spaces, facilities and services that we provide for you.

Volunteers we will asked to walk around their campus library with a member of library staff. All they will need to do is talk aloud about what they are seeing. The library is particularly interested to find out how spaces are used, what is important to students, any frustrating or confusing experiences and how things could be improved.

As a thank you for taking part volunteers will receive a £5 Amazon voucher.

To volunteer to help contact Naomi Prady  


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profile-icon Naomi Prady
No Subjects

Mae'r llyfrgell yn chwilio am fyfyrwyr rhyngwladol i'n helpu i wella'r mannau, y cyfleusterau a'r gwasanaethau rydym yn eu darparu i chi.  

Gofynnir i wirfoddolwyr gerdded o gwmpas llyfrgell eu campws gydag aelod o staff y llyfrgell. Yr unig beth y bydd angen iddynt ei wneud yw siarad yn uchel am yr hyn y maent yn ei weld. Mae diddordeb penodol gan y llyfrgell mewn darganfod sut defnyddir mannau, beth sy'n bwysig i fyfyrwyr, unrhyw brofiadau sydd wedi peri rhwystredigaeth neu ddryswch, a sut gellid gwella pethau.

Bydd gwirfoddolwyr yn derbyn taleb Amazon gwerth £5 i ddiolch iddynt am gymryd rhan.  

I wirfoddoli I helpu cysylltwch a Naomi Prady


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