Beth yw’r Clwb Dyddlyfr Dad-drefedigaethu Gwybodaeth?
Mae’r Clwb Dyddlyfr Dad-drefedigaethu Gwybodaeth yn fforwm diogel, agored ac anffurfiol i drafod llenyddiaeth ymchwil gyfredol i agweddau amrywiol dad-drefedigaethu ym myd addysg uwch. Mae’n gyfle i ddatblygu eich gwybodaeth a’ch dealltwriaeth o ystyr dad-drefedigaethu ac i annog cymryd camau i lywio a gwella eich ymarfer addysgu ac ymchwil. Mae’r Clwb ar agor i holl academyddion, staff y gwasanaethau proffesiynol, ac ymchwilwyr ôl-raddedig.
Sut mae Clwb Cyfnodolion yn gweithio?
Bydd y Clwb Cyfnodolion Dad-drefedigaethu Gwybodaeth yn cwrdd am un awr dros ginio unwaith y mis. Arweinir pob sesiwn gan hwylusydd gwahanol bob mis a fydd yn rhoi cyflwyniad bras ar ddau bapur o’i ddewis: un o gyfnodolyn academaidd, ac erthygl arall o gyhoeddiad neu adnodd gwe mwy amrywiol, neu o ffynhonnell y tu allan i’r gorllewin/y gogledd . Caiff erthyglau neu ddolenni i adnoddau eu dosbarthu i gyfranogwyr wythnos cyn cyfarfod y Clwb er mwyn eu darllen. Bydd trafodaeth ar ôl y cyflwyniad, a'r nod fydd nodi meysydd ar gyfer eich datblygiad proffesiynol eich hun a chamau ymarferol i gefnogi gwaith dadwladychu eich addysgu a'ch ymchwil.
Ystyriaethau ymarferol ar gyfer dewis erthyglau:
- Adnoddau ar-lein yn unig
- Erthyglau testun llawn ar gael drwy'r Llyfrgell neu drwy Fynediad Agored
- Mae'r cynnwys yn berthnasol i Addysg Uwch ac ymarfer neu ddealltwriaeth academaidd
- Ni ddylai erthyglau fod yn hwy na 10 tudalen.
Cynhelir y sesiwn gyntaf ddydd Mercher 30 Mehefin am 4pm. Bydd yr Athro Alys Einion-Waller yn hwyluso.
Am ragor o wybodaeth:
Prof Alys Einion-Waller (Athro Cyswllt, Coleg y Gwyddorau Dynol ac Iechyd),
Lori Havard (Pennaeth Cymorth Academaidd, Gwasanaethau Gwybodaeth a Systemau),
What is the Decolonising Knowledge Journal Club?
The Decolonising Knowledge Journal Club is a safe, open, and informal space to discuss the current research literature on various aspects of decolonisation in higher education. It is an opportunity to develop your knowledge and understanding of what decolonising means and to encourage making steps to inform and improve your teaching and research practice. The Club is open to all academics, professional services staff, and postgraduate researchers.
How does a Journal Club work?
The Decolonising Knowledge Journal Club will meet for one hour over lunch once a month. Each session will be led by a rotating facilitator who will briefly present two papers of their choice: one from a traditional and high impact academic journal, and one alternative article from a more diverse or non-western/northern publication or web resource. Articles or links to resources will be distributed to participants one week before the Club to read before the meeting. Discussion will follow the presentation, with the aim to identify areas for your own professional development and practical steps to support decolonising your teaching and research.
Practical considerations for selection of articles:
Online resources only
Full-text articles either accessed through the Library or via Open Access
Content pertains to HE and academic practice or understanding
Articles to be no longer than 10 pages
The first session will be held on Wednesday, 30th June at 4pm. Prof Alys Einion-Waller will be facilitating.
Contacts for further information:
Prof Alys Einion-Waller (Associate Professor, College of Human and Health Sciences)
Lori Havard (Head of Academic Support, SU Libraries and Archives),