Library News. Newyddion y Llyfrgell

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Sarah Morgan
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Eric Ngalle Charles – Library Blog Llyfrgell



Eric Ngalle Charles, Swansea University MA Creative Writing Student is a poet, author, playwright and Cameroonian refugee now living in Wales, Eric’s journey in search of refuge took him from Cameroon to Russia and finally to Wales, where he now lives with his wife and daughter and where he is forging a successful writing career. Here, he reflects on the experience of libraries and the impact they have had on his journey.

“My first experience of books, was in my maternal grandfather’s study. I used to make up chores just to go there, and would get lost in books and magazines. When my mother used to kick me out of her house, my grandfather’s study was my place of solace. This helped me a great deal in terms of surviving my time in Russia, remembering time spent learning and imagining the world in my grandfather’s study – these memories helped kept me alive.

Cardiff Central Library has been my go to place - in fact all my books were written under the canopy of this library. Because of this, I marched with Cardiff People’s Assembly to protest against Library closures.
At the end of the book ‘I, Eric Ngalle’, I paid tribute to the central library for offering me that creative space. I love being surrounded by books, be it prose poetry, fiction, nonfiction - anything that offers me escapism or takes me into the minds of other people, other writers. This to me is what global citizenship means. Books, like maps, can carry you into different parts of the globe without actually having to visit these places, or go through the rigmaroles of visa applications, refusals etc.
It is with this in mind that I am planning to turn my father’s house into a community library.”

Mae myfyriwr MA Ysgrifennu Creadigol Prifysgol Abertawe, Eric Ngalle Charles, yn fardd, yn awdur, yn ddramodydd ac yn geisiwr lloches o Cameroon sy'n byw yng Nghymru erbyn hyn. Wrth iddo chwilio am loches, teithiodd Eric o Cameroon i Rwsia ac, yn y pen draw, i Gymru, lle mae bellach yn byw gyda'i wraig a'i ferch a lle mae'n dilyn gyrfa lwyddiannus. Yma, mae'n myfyrio ar brofiad llyfrgelloedd a sut y maent wedi effeithio ar ei daith.

"Fy mhrofiad cyntaf o lyfrau oedd yn astudfa fy nhad-cu ar ochr fy mam. Roeddwn i'n arfer esgus fy mod i'n gwneud gwaith y tŷ er mwyn i mi allu mynd yno, lle byddwn i'n ymgolli mewn llyfrau a chylchgronau. Pan oedd fy mam yn arfer fy nhroi i allan o'r tŷ, byddai astudfa fy nhad-cu'n noddfa i mi. Roedd hyn yn gymorth mawr i mi o ran goroesi fy nghyfnod yn Rwsia, wrth gofio'r amser a dreuliais yn dysgu ac yn dychmygu'r byd yn astudfa fy nhad-cu – gwnaeth yr atgofion hyn fy nghadw i'n fyw.

Llyfrgell Ganolog Caerdydd yw fy hoff le - mewn gwirionedd, ysgrifennwyd fy holl lyfrau yn y llyfrgell hon. Oherwydd hyn, gorymdeithiais  gyda Chynulliad y Bobl, Caerdydd, i brotestio yn erbyn cau'r llyfrgelloedd.
Ar ddiwedd y llyfr ‘I, Eric Ngalle’, talais i deyrnged i'r llyfrgell ganolog am gynnig y lle creadigol hwnnw i mi. Rwy'n dwlu ar fod yng nghanol llyfrau, boed yn farddoniaeth ryddiaith, yn ffuglen neu'n ffeithiol - unrhyw beth sy'n fy ngalluogi i ddianc i feddyliau pobl eraill neu awduron eraill. Yn fy marn i, dyma ystyr dinasyddiaeth fyd-eang. Gall llyfrau, fel mapiau, eich cludo chi i rannau eraill o'r byd heb i chi orfod teithio i'r lleoedd yma mewn gwirionedd, neu ymwneud â'r broses gymhleth o gyflwyno cais am fisa, cael eich gwrthod etc.
A chyda hyn mewn cof, rwy'n bwriadu troi tŷ fy nhad yn llyfrgell gymunedol.”



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profile-icon Philippa Price
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The Centre for Academic Success (CAS) and the Library are running Writing Week at Bay and Singleton Park campuses next week. Develop your academic and professional writing with drop-in workshops and writing clinics throughout the week.

  • Attend 3 sessions during the week and receive a £5 Campus Catering voucher (with stamp card).
  • Attend any session and get entered into a daily prize draw for a £5 Fulton Outfitters voucher.

Sessions include:

  • Top 10 proofreading tips
  • Referencing clinics
  • Avoiding plagiarism
  • Personal branding
  • Creative writing
  • How to write a literature review
  • How to paraphrase
  • Scientific writing
  • Writing introductions and conclusions
  • Writing mindset

Come along to as many sessions as you like – no need to book!

Writing Week graphic

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profile-icon Philippa Price
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Mae'r Ganolfan Llwyddiant Academaidd (CAS) ac y Llyfrgell yn cynnal Wythnos Ysgrifennu ar Gampws y Bae a Champws Parc Singleton yr wythnos nesaf. Datblygwch eich ysgrifennu academaidd a phroffesiynol gyda gweithdai galw heibio a chlinigau ysgrifennu drwy gydol yr wythnos.

  • Os ydych chi’n mynychu 3 sesiwn, byddwch yn derbyn taleb Campus Catering gwerth £5 (gyda cherdyn stamp).
  • Os ydych chi’n mynychu unrhyw sesiwn, cewch eich cofrestru ar gyfer cystadlaethau dyddiol i ennill taleb gwerth £5 yn Outfitters yn Fulton.

Mae'r sesiynau'n cynnwys:

  • Y 10 cyngor darllen proflenni uchaf
  • Mae clinigau cyfeiriadu
  • Beth yw llên-ladrad? A sut i'w osgoi
  • Brandio personol
  • Ysgrifennu creadigol
  • Sut i ysgrifennu adolygiad o lenyddiaeth
  • Sut i aralleirio
  • Ysgrifennu gwyddonol
  • Ysgrifennu cyflwyniadau a chasgliadau
  • Ysgrifennu meddylfryd

Dewch draw I gynifer o sesiynau ag y mynnwch – does dim angem archebu!

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profile-icon Philippa Price
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The university has shared the following information about out of hours study space at Bay Campus:

Out of Hours Study Spaces – Bay Campus

In response to your feedback telling us you need more study space at the Bay Campus and following analysis of our space usage data, we’ll be making the following spaces available to you for out of hours study this year*.

Out of Hours Alternative Study Spaces:



Rooms Available for Study Out of Hours

Dates Available for out of hours study

Opening Times

School of Management

  • Base (026)
  • PC Labs (128, 117 109)
  • From 4th November 2019 to 12th December 2019
  • From 6th January 2020 to 2nd April 2020
  • From 27th April 2020 to 4 June 2020
  • 6pm to 11pm, Monday to Thursday
  • 1pm to 8pm Saturday
  • 1pm to 11pm Sunday

Engineering Central



  • Base (A006)
  • PC Labs (A019, C101)


*These spaces are in addition to the library which remains open 24/7

You need to use your student ID card to access these areas out of hours via the front door. Don’t forget to update your card at any card access point:

  • ESRI – Outside Main Entrance
  • Tower Information Centre (TIC) – Outside Main Entrance
  • Engineering Central – South Street, Outside B003
  • School of Management – Outside Rear Entrance, South Side (under external stairs)
  • Computational Foundry – Rear Access Door
  • Library – Main Entrance Door


The Core

The Core has been refurbished and now offers a warm and inviting space for you to eat, meet and relax in. It’s now open for general use every day out of hours from 5pm to 11pm during the following periods*:

  • 30th September 2019 to 12th December 2019
  • 6th January 2020 to 2nd April 2020
  • 27th April 2020 to 7th May 2020

*Please note the catering hours are from 8am to 7pm Monday to Friday.


Are you looking for space for your society activities?


Society spaces are available in School of Management and in the Core.

To book society space contact


Visit the library webpages for more information about alternative study spaces:

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profile-icon Philippa Price
No Subjects

Mae'r Brifysgol wedi rhannu'r wybodaeth ganlynol am le astudio y tu allan i oriau arferol ar Gampws y Bae:

Lleoedd Astudio y Tu Allan i Oriau Addysgu - Campws y Bae

I ymateb i'ch adborth a ddywedodd wrthym fod angen mwy o fannau astudio arnoch ar Gampws y Bae, ac yn dilyn dadansoddiad o'n data am ddefnyddio lle, byddwn yn darparu'r lleoedd canlynol i chi at ddiben astudio y tu allan i oriau addysgu eleni*.

Mannau Ychwanegol i Astudio y Tu Allan i Oriau Addysgu:



Ystafelloedd sydd ar gael ar gyfer Astudio y Tu Allan i Oriau

Dyddiadau sydd ar gael ar gyfer Astudio y Tu Allan i Oriau

Oriau Agor

Yr Ysgol Reolaeth

  • Base (026)
  • Labordai Cyfrifiaduron (128, 117, 109)
  • O 4ydd Tachwedd 2019 tan 12fed Rhagfyr 2019
  • O 6ed Ionawr 2020 tan 2il Ebrill 2020
  • O 27ain Ebrill 2020 tan 4ydd Mehefin 2020
  • 6yp tan 11yh, nos Lun i nos Iau
  • 1yp tan 8yh, dydd Sadwrn
  • 1yp tan 11yh, dydd Sul

Adeilad Canolog Peirianneg



  • Base (A006)
  • Labordai Cyfrifiaduron (A019, C101)


*Mae'r lleoedd hyn yn ychwanegol at y llyfrgell sydd ar agor 24/7 o hyd

Bydd rhaid i chi ddefnyddio'ch cerdyn adnabod myfyriwr i gael mynediad i’r ardaloedd hyn drwy'r drws blaen y tu allan i oriau addysgu. Cofiwch ddiweddaru'ch cerdyn gan ddefnyddio un o'r pwyntiau mynediad cerdyn canlynol:

  • ESRI – Y tu allan i'r brif fynedfa
  • Canolfan Wybodaeth y Tŵr – y tu allan i'r brif fynedfa
  • Adeilad Canolog Peirianneg, Stryd y De, y tu allan i B003
  • Yr Ysgol Reolaeth - y tu allan i'r fynedfa gefn, ochr ddeheuol (o dan y grisiau allanol)
  • Y Ffowndri Gyfrifiadol - drws mynediad y cefn
  • Y Llyfrgell – drws y brif fynedfa


The Core

Mae'r Core wedi cael ei weddnewid a bellach mae'n cynnig amgylchedd cartrefol a chroesawgar i chi fwyta, cwrdd ac ymlacio ynddo. Mae ar agor bellach at ddibenion cyffredinol bob dydd y tu allan i oriau, rhwng 5yp ac 11yh yn ystod y cyfnodau canlynol*:

  • 30ain Medi 2019 tan 12fed Rhagfyr 2019
  • 6ed Ionawr 2020 tan 2il Ebrill 2020
  • 27ain Ebrill 2020 tan 7fed Mai 2020

*Mae gwasanaeth arlwyo ar gael rhwng 8yb a 7yh o ddydd Llun i ddydd Gwener.


Ydych chi'n chwilio am le i gynnal gweithgareddau'ch cymdeithas?

Mae lleoedd i gymdeithasau ar gael yn yr Ysgol Reolaeth ac yn The Core.

I neilltuo lle ar gyfer eich cymdeithas, e-bostiwch

Ewch i dudalennau gwe'r llyfrgell am ragor o wybodaeth am leoedd astudio ychwanegol:

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profile-icon Naomi Prady
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The library has been working with the Students' Union to ensure our collections reflect the diversity of our community. Earlier this year we gave students the opportunity to recommend books that we should add to library stock. As a result we have ordered numerous new books that will be available to borrow soon. Travis Brown former Student Unions’ BME Officer said

"Swansea University has embarked on the opportunity to expand the horizon on the knowledge of different cultures within the university. After working with the student union and libraries, I am proud to state that a new collection of books will be available in the libraries, providing a greater source of information for the students to educate themselves."

Selection of books that have been order as a result of student suggestions

Here is the full list of books that we have ordered.

If you would like to recommend a book to the library complete this online form.

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profile-icon Naomi Prady
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Mae'r Llyfrgell wedi bod yn gweithio gydag Undeb y Myfyrwyr i sicrhau bod ein casgliadau'n adlewyrchu amrywiaeth ein cymuned. Yn gynharach eleni, rhoddwyd cyfle i fyfyrwyr argymell llyfrau y dylem ni eu hychwanegu at stoc y llyfrgell. O ganlyniad, rydym ni wedi archebu nifer o lyfrau newydd a fydd ar gael i'w benthyg cyn hir. Meddai cyn Swyddog BME Undeb y Myfyrwyr, Travis Brown:

"Mae Prifysgol Abertawe wedi manteisio ar y cyfle i ehangu gorwelion gwybodaeth am ddiwylliannau gwahanol yn y Brifysgol. Ar ôl gweithio gydag Undeb y Myfyrwyr a'r llyfrgelloedd, rwy'n falch o ddweud y bydd casgliad newydd o lyfrau yn y llyfrgelloedd, a fydd yn cynnig ffynhonnell well o wybodaeth i fyfyrwyr er mwyn iddynt eu haddysgu eu hunain.

llyfrau a archebwyd gennym

Dyma restr o’r llyfrau a archebwyd gennym.

Os hoffech chi argymell llyfr i'r llyfrgell, cwblhewch y ffurflen hon ar-lein.

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profile-icon Philippa Price
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Siaradodd yr hyfryd Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie yn huawdl am The Danger of a Single Story yn ôl yn 2009. Rhannodd bwysigrwydd gweld pobl fel chi eich hun mewn ffuglen a rhybuddiodd os ydym ond yn clywed un stori am grŵp o bobl, ni allwn fynd ati i’w deall yn iawn. Mae’n hawdd cwympo i rych ddarllen, lle rydym yn darllen yr un math o lyfrau gan yr un bobl. Er mwyn eich helpu i ddarganfod llyfrau newydd gan amrywiaeth ehangach o leisiau, hoffem gyflwyno’r Her Darllen yn Well. Y tymor hwn, rydym wedi cael ein hysbrydoli gan Fis Hanes Pobl Dduon.

Mae’r cynllun yn syml – darllenwch lyfr sy’n cyd-fynd â phob category isod. (os ydych yn gallu dod o hyd i lyfr sy’n cyd-fynd â mwy nag un categori, mae hawl gwneud hynny!). Rydym wedi awgrymu rhai yr hoffech roi cynnig arnynt isod. Gallwch eu benthyg o Lyfrgelloedd Prifysgol Abertawe. Gallwch ddod o hyd i’ch llyfrau eich hun hefyd – rhannwch eich syniadau gan ddefnyddio #paDarllenYnWell.

Cynhelir yr her tan 6 Ionawr, felly gallwch ddarllen rhai o’r rhain dros wyliau’r Dolig hefyd. Os nad ydych yn llwyddo mynd i’r afael â phob categori erbyn mis Ionawr, peidiwch â phoeni – hwyl yn unig yw hwn, felly gallwch gymryd faint bynnag o amser sydd ei angen arnoch! Rhowch wybod i ni sut mae’n mynd ar @SwanseaUniLib ar Twitter, Instagram a Facebook.

Llyfr gan awdur du a enillodd wobr yn 2018 neu 2019

An American Marriage, gan Tayari Jones (enillydd Gwobr Ffuglen Menywod)

The Perseverance, gan Raymond Antrobus (enillydd Gwobr Folio Rathbones a Gwobr Ted Hughes)

Kumukanda, gan Kayo Chingonyi (enillydd Gwobr Dylan Thomas)

Nofel ffuglen neu ffeithiol am genhedlaeth Windrush

Small Island, gan Andrea Levy

The Lonely Londoners, gan Samuel Selvon

Windrush: the irresistible rise of multi-racial Britain, gan Mike Phillips & Trevor Phillips

Llyfr ffeithiol am hanes pobl dduon ym Mhrydain

Staying Power: The History of Black People in Britain, gan Peter Fryer

Black and British: A Forgotten History, gan David Olusoga

The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, gan Olaudah Equiano

Llyfr ffuglen mewn genre gan awdur du (gall ffuglen genre gynnwys trosedd, ffantasi, rhamant, ffuglen wyddonol, arswyd...)

Kindred, gan Octavia E. Butler

Thief! gan Malorie Blackman

Devil in a Blue Dress, gan Walter Mosley

Student in library pulling a book of the shelf

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profile-icon Philippa Price
No Subjects

The fabulous Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie spoke eloquently about The Danger of a Single Story back in 2009. She shared the importance of seeing people like yourself in fiction and warned that if we only hear one story about a group of people, we can’t truly begin to understand them. It’s easy to fall into a ‘reading rut’, though, where we tend to read the same sort of books by the same people. To help you to discover new books from a wider range of voices, we’d like to introduce the first Better Read Reading Challenge. This term, we’ve been inspired by Black History Month.

The plan is simple – read a book that matches each of the categories below. (If you can find a book that matches more than one category, that’s allowed!) We’ve suggested some titles you might like to try below. You can borrow them from Swansea University Libraries. You can find your own books too, though – share your ideas using #suBetterRead.

The challenge runs until 6th January, so you can save some of these to read over Christmas vacation. If you don’t manage to cover all the categories by January, don’t worry – this is just for fun, so you can take as long as you want to! Let us know how you get on @SwanseaUniLib on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

A book by a black author that won an award in 2018 or 2019

An American Marriage, by Tayari Jones (winner of the Women’s Prize for Fiction)

The Perseverance, by Raymond Antrobus (winner of the Rathbones Folio Prize and the Ted Hughes Award)

Kumukanda, by Kayo Chingonyi (winner of the Dylan Thomas Prize)

A book of fiction or non-fiction about the Windrush generation

Small Island, by Andrea Levy

The Lonely Londoners, by Samuel Selvon

Windrush: the irresistible rise of multi-racial Britain, by Mike Phillips & Trevor Phillips

A non-fiction book about black British history

Staying Power: The History of Black People in Britain, Peter Fryer

Black and British: A Forgotten History, by David Olusoga

The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, by Olaudah Equiano

A genre fiction book by a black author (genre fiction can include crime, fantasy, romance, science fiction, horror…)

Kindred, by Octavia E. Butler

Thief! By Malorie Blackman

Devil in a Blue Dress, by Walter Mosley

Student in library pulling book off shelf

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profile-icon Philippa Price
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Ar Ddiwrnod 4, byddwn yn chwilio am yr erthyglau cyfnodolion sydd eu hangen arnoch. Dilynwch ein hyfforddiant i ddarganfod sut. Cliciwch ar y llun isod i ddechrau.

Screenshot of the Finding Journal Articles tutorial

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profile-icon Philippa Price
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The 7th to 12th October is Libraries Week! The theme is ‘Celebrating libraries in a digital world’. Come to our drop in sessions at Bay and Singleton Park Libraries to meet library staff and find out about our digital resources and support. You can also find out how our colleagues in the Centre for Academic Success can help you. We have cake too! Everyone welcome, no need to book, different dietary needs are catered for.

Singleton Park Library

Cakes in the Cwtsh is 10.00-12.00 on Tuesday 8th October.

Bay Library

Cakes in the Café is 14.00-16.00 on Thursday 10th October.

Libraries Week banner - young woman in headphones smiling.

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profile-icon Philippa Price
No Subjects

Mae’n Wythnos Llyfrgelloedd rhwng yr 7 a’r 12 o Hydref! Y thema yw ‘Dathlu llyfrgelloedd mewn byd digidol’. Dewch i’n sesiynau galw heibio yn y llyfrgelloedd ar Gampws y Bae a Champws Parc Singleton i gwrdd â staff y llyfrgell a chael rhagor o wybodaeth am ein hadnoddau a’n cymorth digidol. Hefyd gallwch ganfod sut y gall ein cydweithwyr yn y Ganolfan Llwyddiant Academaidd eich helpu chi. Bydd cacennau ar gael hefyd! Mae croeso i bawb, nid oes angen archebu, byddwn yn darparu ar gyfer gwahanol anghenion dietegol!

Llyfrgell Parc Singleton

Cacennau yn y Cwtsh rhwng 10.00-14.00 ar ddydd Mawrth ar 8 o Hydref.

Llyfrgell y Bae

Cacennau yn y Caffi rhwng 14.00-16.00 dydd Iau'r 10 o Hydref.

Libraries Week banner- young woman in headphones smiling

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