The Centre for Academic Success (CAS) and the Library are running Writing Week at Bay and Singleton Park campuses next week. Develop your academic and professional writing with drop-in workshops and writing clinics throughout the week.
- Attend 3 sessions during the week and receive a £5 Campus Catering voucher (with stamp card).
- Attend any session and get entered into a daily prize draw for a £5 Fulton Outfitters voucher.
Sessions include:
- Top 10 proofreading tips
- Referencing clinics
- Avoiding plagiarism
- Personal branding
- Creative writing
- How to write a literature review
- How to paraphrase
- Scientific writing
- Writing introductions and conclusions
- Writing mindset
Come along to as many sessions as you like – no need to book!
Eric Ngalle Charles – Library Blog Llyfrgell
Eric Ngalle Charles, Swansea University MA Creative Writing Student is a poet, author, playwright and Cameroonian refugee now living in Wales, Eric’s journey in search of refuge took him from Cameroon to Russia and finally to Wales, where he now lives with his wife and daughter and where he is forging a successful writing career. Here, he reflects on the experience of libraries and the impact they have had on his journey.
“My first experience of books, was in my maternal grandfather’s study. I used to make up chores just to go there, and would get lost in books and magazines. When my mother used to kick me out of her house, my grandfather’s study was my place of solace. This helped me a great deal in terms of surviving my time in Russia, remembering time spent learning and imagining the world in my grandfather’s study – these memories helped kept me alive.
Cardiff Central Library has been my go to place - in fact all my books were written under the canopy of this library. Because of this, I marched with Cardiff People’s Assembly to protest against Library closures.
At the end of the book ‘I, Eric Ngalle’, I paid tribute to the central library for offering me that creative space. I love being surrounded by books, be it prose poetry, fiction, nonfiction - anything that offers me escapism or takes me into the minds of other people, other writers. This to me is what global citizenship means. Books, like maps, can carry you into different parts of the globe without actually having to visit these places, or go through the rigmaroles of visa applications, refusals etc.
It is with this in mind that I am planning to turn my father’s house into a community library.”
Mae myfyriwr MA Ysgrifennu Creadigol Prifysgol Abertawe, Eric Ngalle Charles, yn fardd, yn awdur, yn ddramodydd ac yn geisiwr lloches o Cameroon sy'n byw yng Nghymru erbyn hyn. Wrth iddo chwilio am loches, teithiodd Eric o Cameroon i Rwsia ac, yn y pen draw, i Gymru, lle mae bellach yn byw gyda'i wraig a'i ferch a lle mae'n dilyn gyrfa lwyddiannus. Yma, mae'n myfyrio ar brofiad llyfrgelloedd a sut y maent wedi effeithio ar ei daith.
"Fy mhrofiad cyntaf o lyfrau oedd yn astudfa fy nhad-cu ar ochr fy mam. Roeddwn i'n arfer esgus fy mod i'n gwneud gwaith y tŷ er mwyn i mi allu mynd yno, lle byddwn i'n ymgolli mewn llyfrau a chylchgronau. Pan oedd fy mam yn arfer fy nhroi i allan o'r tŷ, byddai astudfa fy nhad-cu'n noddfa i mi. Roedd hyn yn gymorth mawr i mi o ran goroesi fy nghyfnod yn Rwsia, wrth gofio'r amser a dreuliais yn dysgu ac yn dychmygu'r byd yn astudfa fy nhad-cu – gwnaeth yr atgofion hyn fy nghadw i'n fyw.
Llyfrgell Ganolog Caerdydd yw fy hoff le - mewn gwirionedd, ysgrifennwyd fy holl lyfrau yn y llyfrgell hon. Oherwydd hyn, gorymdeithiais gyda Chynulliad y Bobl, Caerdydd, i brotestio yn erbyn cau'r llyfrgelloedd.
Ar ddiwedd y llyfr ‘I, Eric Ngalle’, talais i deyrnged i'r llyfrgell ganolog am gynnig y lle creadigol hwnnw i mi. Rwy'n dwlu ar fod yng nghanol llyfrau, boed yn farddoniaeth ryddiaith, yn ffuglen neu'n ffeithiol - unrhyw beth sy'n fy ngalluogi i ddianc i feddyliau pobl eraill neu awduron eraill. Yn fy marn i, dyma ystyr dinasyddiaeth fyd-eang. Gall llyfrau, fel mapiau, eich cludo chi i rannau eraill o'r byd heb i chi orfod teithio i'r lleoedd yma mewn gwirionedd, neu ymwneud â'r broses gymhleth o gyflwyno cais am fisa, cael eich gwrthod etc.
A chyda hyn mewn cof, rwy'n bwriadu troi tŷ fy nhad yn llyfrgell gymunedol.”