Every attempt must be used to correctly identify the author, which may be a corporate body such as the NHS Wales Executive, Department of Health and Social Care, Welsh Government or Senedd. Frequently, publications from these corporate bodies contain a foreword - the person who signs this is not necessarily the author of the document.
The rule in Citing Medicine is that no more than two initials should be given for an author. Many journals give all initials for authors, and you will find that most bibliographic software uses a similar approach with Vancouver style.
Where no author/editor can be found, begin the reference with the title. Do not use Anonymous.
The rule in Citing Medicine is to give all authors, regardless of number. Some journals apply a cut-off (usually around six authors or more) and your Department/School/Faculty may follow the style of a particular journal or have its own preference. You must check carefully to see which rules you should apply.