Step 1: Performing scoping searches to test your research question for viability.
Step 2: Devise your search strategy and explore alternate terms. Create your search grid/mind map.
Step 3: Decide on your inclusion/exclusion criteria (what is included in your search and what's not - filters and limits).
Step 4: Which sources will you search (databases, grey literature, datasets)
Step 5: Which search tools will you apply? (Truncation, phrase searching, Boolean logic)
Step 6: Alternate search approaches - citation chasing, hand searching journals)
Step 7: Document your search
Here are a couple of good resources to help you in your systematic review searching:
Choi, A.R., Cheng, D.L., & Greenberg, P.B. (2019). Twelve tips for medical students to conduct a systematic review. Medical Teacher, 41(4), 471-475.
Conducting a systematic literature search from the Students4Best Evidence blog.
Dickson, R., Cherry, M.G., & Boland, A. (2017). Carrying out a systematic review as a Master's thesis. In A. Boland, M.G. Cherry & R. Dickson. (Eds.), Doing a systematic review: A student's guide (2nd ed., pp.1-20). Sage.