REF Open Access requirements apply to papers accepted from 01/01/2021 - 31/12/2028.
Read the FAQs
The minimum requirements of the policy covers journal articles and conference papers which are in a publication with an ISSN published between 01/01/2021-31/12/2028. Researchers and HEIs are encouraged to move beyond the minimum requirements.
Longform outputs
"Open access for longform outputs remains a key area of policy interest for the funding bodies but in response to sector concerns, and in recognition of the broad set of challenges currently facing the sector, there will be no longform open access mandate for REF 2029".
Contact us if you require support.
In response to sector changes Swansea University has launched a Research Publications Policy to replace the 2015 Open Access mandate. All Swansea University researchers are expected to ensure that their published outputs align with the 2023 University Research Publications Policy.
Author Accepted Manuscripts (AAMs) Self-archived in the Repository
This research publications policy enables researchers to retain re-use rights in their own work for:
This policy helps you to assert your copyright and aligns with our ambition for Open Research.
Example: Rights Retention Statement
For the purpose of Open Access, the author has applied a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) licence to any Author Accepted Manuscript version arising from this submission.
Language translations are available from 'Translation of Rights Retention Statements' if submitting an article to a foreign language journal.
How does rights retention work?
Find out more about the Swansea University Research Publication Policy
Read the FAQ section.
Start date: 1 July 2023
Applicable to academic and research staff outputs, post-graduate research student outputs.
Research Integrity: Ethics and Governance
Find contact in REIS relating to governance and research integrity from this webpage.
Published outputs arising from Wellcome funding must be open and accessible to all.
Journal articles submitted from January 2021:
Monographs and book chapters:
All original scholarly monographs and book chapters authored or co-authored by Wellcome grantholders as part of their grant-funded research, must be:
The UKRI Open Access Policy applies from the following dates:
a. In-scope research articles submitted for publication on or after 1 April 2022.
b. In-scope monographs, book chapters and edited collections published on or after 1 January 2024.
The policy applies to the following types of publication, when they are required to acknowledge funding from UKRI or any of its constituent councils.
Compliant open access routes for research articles
Route 1 [Gold OA]: Publish the research article open access in a journal or publishing platform which makes the Version of Record immediately open access via its website.
a. The Version of Record must be free and unrestricted to view and download. It must have a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) licence, or other licence permitted by UKRI. An exception for CC-BY-ND no derivatives will be possible upon application and approval. Complete the UKRI No derivatives licence exception form (10 day UKRI service level response).
Route 2 [Green self-archiving OA]: Publish the research article in a hybrid subscription journal and deposit the Author’s Accepted Manuscript (or Version of Record, where the publisher permits) in an institutional or subject repository at the time of final publication.
a. The deposited version must be free and unrestricted to view and download. It must have a Creative Commons CC-BY attribution licence, or other licence permitted by UKRI.
b. A publisher-requested delay or ‘embargo period’ between publication of the Version of Record and open access of the deposited version is not permitted.
c. The research article must be made open access in a repository that meets the minimum technical standards that facilitate access, discovery and reuse, as defined at Annex 2.
For the article to be published under Route 2, submissions must include the following text in the funding acknowledgement section of the manuscript and any text accompanying the submission:
‘For the purpose of open access, the author has applied a CC BY public copyright licence (where permitted by UKRI, ‘Open Government Licence’ or ‘CC BY-ND public copyright licence’ may be stated instead) to any Author Accepted Manuscript version arising’
Compliant open access routes for long-form publications
This section sets out the UKRI Open Access Policy requirements for monographs, book chapters and edited collections, as defined at paragraph 3b.
For in-scope monographs, book chapters and edited collections:
a. the final Version of Record or the Author’s Accepted Manuscript must be free to view and download via an online publication platform, publishers’ website, or institutional or subject repository within a maximum of 12 months of publication.
b. the open access version has a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) Licence or other licence permitted by UKRI (see ‘licensing requirements’) and allows the reader to search for and reuse content, subject to proper attribution.
c. the open access version should include, where possible, any images, illustrations, tables and other supporting content (see ‘licensing requirements’) d. where an Author’s Accepted Manuscript is deposited, it should be clear that this is not the final published version.
See section 17 of the published policy to explore when exemptions may apply.
EU Support for Open Access
EU support for open access, what it means, how its integrated into the funding programmes, advice for projects and working with EU countries.
The Commission supports open access, specifically in its funding programmes.
Open access to scientific information in research and innovation refers to 2 main categories
Use this webpage to find out about:
EU Support for open access
Open Research Europe
Open access in Horizon 2020
Working with EU countries
Policy on Open Access
Updated policy link
Frequently Asked Questions
An electronic copy of the final, published form of your paper (either the Author Accepted Manuscript (AAM) or Version of Record (VoR) must be available on Europe PubMed Central (Europe PMC) as soon as possible.
Immediate Open Access
For articles accepted for final publication on or after 1 January 2022 CRUK require that your paper is made openly available in Europe PMC immediately on publication. (i.e. a 6-month embargo will not be permitted).
If you have paid an article processing charge (APC) for the Europe PMC deposit then you must use a Creative Commons Attribution licence (CC-BY 4.0).
Read the NIHR Open Access Policy
This policy applies to all peer-reviewed research articles, including reviews not commissioned by publishers and conference papers, submitted for publication on or after 1 June 2022 arising from:
Principle 1 Articles must be immediately, freely and openly accessible to all
The most up to date Version of Record or the Author Accepted Manuscript of in-scope articles must be made freely available through PubMed Central (PMC) and Europe PMC by the official final publication date, without any embargo period.
Principle 2 There should be no barriers to the re-use and dissemination of NIHR funded articles
All in-scope articles must be published under the Creative Commons attribution licence (CC BY), or Open Government Licence (OGL) ensure maximum impact. This will permit all users of NIHR-funded articles to disseminate and build upon the material for any purpose without further permission or fees being required.
Principle 3 - Articles must be freely discoverable
Principle 4 - NIHR will pay reasonable fees to enable immediate open access
Swansea University has affirmed its commitment to the fair assessment of research through the signing of the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA) and adopting the principles outlined in the Leiden Manifesto.
Statement on DORA by Helen Griffiths, Pro-Vice Chancellor for Research & Innovation
With the adoption of these principles, as an institution, we commit to:
We recognise that the adoption of these principles is a statement of intent and that there will be a gradual aligning of the policy and embedding the practice across our academic and professional services at Swansea. As issues are highlighted and areas in contradiction with these principles come to light, we will review the policies in light of the principles, ensuring Swansea has a robust, transparent and fair approach to the use of metrics for research evaluation and communicate such changes and developments at regular intervals.
The Library Research Support Team is working with partners across the university to develop a route for researchers and professional service staff to report policies, procedures and behaviours that they felt were out of line with the principles included in the DORA and the Leiden manifesto.
The UK Reproducibility Network (UKRN) is a national peer-led consortium that aims to ensure the UK retains its place as a centre for world-leading research. They do this by investigating the factors that contribute to robust research, promoting training activities, and disseminating best practice.
Join the Swansea University UKRN group by contacting the local network lead profile person. Profiles are ordered alphabetically by institution on the UKRN webpage.
Swansea University has formally committed to supporting the aims of the network and the contact details of our institutional lead is available on their website.