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MHRA referencing guide (Online)

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The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences has adopted 2 referencing styles for undergraduate use:  APA (an author-date style) and MHRA (a footnote style)

Some Departments offer a choice, others have a preference or a slight preference for one or the other.

The table below lists the latest information provided, but please check with your tutor before choosing a style.

American Studies APA MHRA
Applied Linguistics, English Language & TESOL APA
Classics, Ancient History & Egyptology APA
School of Education APA
English Literature & Creative Writing APA MHRA
Medieval Literature MHRA
History MHRA
Media, Communication, Journalism and Public Relations APA
Modern Languages & Translation and Interpreting APA (preferred) MHRA
Politics, Philosophy & International Relations APA (preferred) MHRA (joint honours)
Language and Linguistics APA
Literature MHRA