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MHRA referencing guide (Online)

Mae'r dudalen hon hefyd ar gael yn Gymraeg

Recorded source Footnote

Recording of a production accessed via an online database (ie: Digital Theatre+)

Format: Play Title, Firstname Lastname of writer, directed by Firstname Lastname (Production Company, Year), format, Database name, Date of publication Day Month Year, <URL> [accessed day month year].

Example: Julius Caesar, William Shakespeare, dir. by Gregory Doran (Illuminations, 2012), online production recording, Digital Theatre+, 19 January 2021, <> [accessed 12 Mar 2025].


Other filmed resources accessed via an online database (ie: Digital Theatre+)

Format: Title of resource, Description of resource, Date produced Day Month Year, format, Database name, Date of publication Day Month Year, <URL> [accessed day month year].

Example: Julius Caesar: Staging Violence, Interview with Fight Director Kate Waters, 1 January 2016, online video recording, Digital Theatre+, 1 February 2021, <> [accessed 12 Mar 2025].


NB: If you need to pinpoint a specific moment in a film or audio/video source, include a timestamp in the format "minutes:seconds" at the end of the footnote.