Library News. Newyddion y Llyfrgell

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profile-icon Susan Glen
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Mix a Match: digwyddiad ar-lein yn y llyfrgell i staff academaidd

22 Gorffenaf 2023, 10am – 4pm

Nod Cymysgu a Pharu (dros Zoom) yw rhoi’r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i chi ar adnoddau a pholisïau'r llyfrgell, rhoi awgrymiadau ymchwil i chi a rhoi gwybod i chi sut y gallwn ni eich cefnogi chi. Gan ein bod ni'n gwybod eich bod chi i gyd yn brysur, meddyliwch am hyn fel dewislen lle gallwch chi ddewis y sesiynau a fydd yn ddefnyddiol i chi.

  • Gweithio'n fwy clyfar: Darganfod dulliau chwilio llenyddiaeth
  • Archifau papurau newydd ar-lein
  • Strategaeth cadw hawliau
  • iFind Reading 
  • BoB (Box of Broadcasts)
  • Mae cyfnodolion ysglyfaethus
  • Endnote
  • Gyfraith I bol nad ydynt yn gyfreithwyr

Mae angen cofrestru.  Cofrestrwch yn:

Os oes gennych chi ymholiadau, cysylltwch â:Susan Glen (E-bost:

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profile-icon Susan Glen
No Subjects

Mix and Match: online library event for academic staff 

 18 July 2023, 10am – 4pm  
Mix and Match (via Zoom) aims to bring you up to date on library resources and policies, give you some tips for your research and let you know how we can support you. As we know you are all busy, think of it as a menu where you can just select the sessions that will be useful to you. 

  •  Working smarter: Discover tools for literature searching 
  • Online newspaper archives 
  • Rights retention strategy
  • iFind Reading 
  • BoB (Box of Broadcasts)
  • Predatory journals
  • Endnote 
  • Law for non lawyers

Registration is required.  Register at: 

 Any queries, please contact: Susan Glen (Email: 

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profile-icon Lori Havard
No Subjects

As we prepare to greet our alumni, we explore our special collections to create an extra special display of curios & historic books at Singleton Park Library.

swansea university library special collections exhibition

From Egyptology to the birth of Welsh devolution; Vernon Watkins to Dylan Thomas, there are some real gems to be seen!

swansea university library special collections exhibition dylan thomas  swansea university library special collections exhibition egyptology  swansea university library special collections exhibition rare books

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profile-icon Lori Havard
No Subjects

Wrth i ni baratoi i gyfarch ein cyn-fyfyrwyr, rydym yn archwilio ein casgliadau arbennig i greu arddangosfa arbennig o chwilfrydedd a llyfrau hanesyddol yn Llyfrgell Parc Singleton. 

 swansea university library special collections exhibition

O Eifftoleg i enedigaeth datganoli Cymreig; Vernon Watkins i Dylan Thomas, mae yna berlau go iawn i'w gweld.

swansea university library special collections exhibition dylan thomas  swansea university library special collections exhibition egyptology  swansea university library special collections exhibition rare books

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