Library News. Newyddion y Llyfrgell

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profile-icon Philippa Price
No Subjects

We want to improve how we use Twitter, Facebook and Instagram to support students, and we need your help! We’ve put together a short survey which will help to inform how we use our social media accounts to communicate updates and information. You don’t have to follow us online (or even use social media!) in order to participate, and the survey should only take a few minutes. If you have any queries you can email us at Thank you in advance for your help!

Library social media survey

                Smartphone screen showing lots of apps

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profile-icon Philippa Price
No Subjects

Hoffen ni wella’r ffordd rydyn ni’n defnyddio Twitter, Facebook ac Instagram i gefnogi myfyrwyr ac mae angen dy help arnom ni! Rydyn ni wedi llunio arolwg byr a fydd yn helpu i hysbysu sut rydyn ni’n defnyddio ein cyfrifon cyfryngau cymdeithasol i gyfleu diweddariadau a gwybodaeth. Nid oes angen i ti ein dilyn ni ar-lein (neu hyd yn oed defnyddio cyfryngau cymdeithasol!) i gymryd rhan, a dylai gymryd ychydig o funudau yn unig i lenwi’r arolwg. Os oes gennyt ti ymholiadau, e-bostia ni yn Diolch o flaen law am dy gymorth!

Arolwg Cyfryngau Cymdeithasol Llyfrgelloedd 2021

Smartphone screen showing lots of apps

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profile-icon Lori Havard
No Subjects

Cydweithredodd Llyfrgell Prifysgol Abertawe gydag Undeb y Myfyrwyr i ofyn i fyfyrwyr awgrymu teitlau y dylent gael eu hychwanegu at y Llyfrgell sy’n adlewyrchu dadwladychu, amrywiaeth, llesiant, a lles. Roedd 27 o’r teitlau a awgrymwyd ar gael i’w prynu o gyllideb y Llyfrgell ar ffurf e-lyfrau. Prynwyd copïau papur o’r rhain a nifer ychwanegol o deitlau nad oeddent ar gael yn electronig gan Undeb y Myfyrwyr i’w cadw yn y Llyfrgelloedd ar Gampws Parc Singleton ac ar Gampws y Bae. Mae’n bleser gan y Llyfrgell gyhoeddi y bydd yn cynnal ymgynghoriad pellach â myfyrwyr yn ystod y flwyddyn academaidd nesaf i adnabod mwy o deitlau yn y maes hwn. 

Mae hyn wedi bod yn rhan o brosiect parhaus i sicrhau amrywiaeth yn ein casgliad y Llyfrgell. Cewch ragor o wybodaeth ar ein tudalennau Amrywio Casgliadau’r Llyfrgell.  

Teitlau E-lyfrau sydd bellach ar gael trwy gatalog y Llyfrgell: 

Authoring Autism: On Rhetoric and Neurological Queerness (Thought in the Act)

Melanie Yergeau

Between Perfect and Real

Ray Stoeve

Broken April

Ismail Kadare

Delusions of Gender: The real science behind sex differences

Cordelia Fine

Disability Visibility: First-Person Stories from the Twenty-First Century: Unabridged Selections

Alice Wong

A FLY girl’s guide to university: Being a woman of colour at Cambridge and other institutions of elitism and power

Odelia Young, ed.

Girl, woman, other

Bernardine Evaristo 

How to be an antiracist

Ibram X. Kendi

Imagining Autism: Fiction and Stereotypes on the Spectrum

Sonya Freeman Loftis

Invisible women: Exposing data bias in a world designed for men

Caroline Criado Perez

Justice on trial: Radical solutions for a system at breaking point

Chris Daw

Life isn’t Binary

Alex Iantaffi and           Meg-John Barker

Men explain things to me

Rebecca Solnit

On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous

Ocean Vuong

Outlanders - Hidden Narratives from Social Workers Of Colour

S Maclean and W Reid

Redefining Realness

Janet Mock

Testosterone Rex: Unmaking the Myths of Our Gendered Minds

Cordelia Fine

The Neurodiverse Workplace: An Employer’s Guide to Managing and Working with Neurodivergent Employees, Clients and Customers

Victoria Honeybourne

The pretty one: On Life, Pop Culture, Disability and other reasons to fall in love with me

Keah Brown

The Stonewall Reader

The Tradition

Edmund White 

Jericho Brown 

They/Them/Their: a guide to nonbinary and genderqueer

Eris Young

Tomorrow will be different: love, loss, and the fight for trans equality

Sarah Mcride

We Have Always Been Here: a queer Muslim memoir

Samra Habib

We should all be feminists

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie 

Why I’m no longer talking to white people about race

Reni Eddo-Lodge

Women don’t owe you pretty

Florence Given

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profile-icon Lori Havard
No Subjects

Swansea University Library collaborated with our Students’ Union to ask students to suggest titles which should be added to the Library which reflect decolonisation, diversity, wellbeing, and welfare.  Twenty-seven of the suggested titles were available for purchase as e-books from the Library’s budget.  Paper copies of these, and an additional number of titles which were not available electronically, were purchased by the Students’ Union for placement in the Libraries in both Singleton and Bay campuses.  The Library is happy to announce that it will do further consultation with students in the upcoming academic year to identify further titles in this area.

This has been a part of an ongoing project to diversity our library collection.  You can find more information at our Diversifying Library Collections pages

E-book titles which are now available through the Library’s catalogue are:

Authoring Autism: On Rhetoric and Neurological Queerness (Thought in the Act)

Melanie Yergeau

Between Perfect and Real

Ray Stoeve

Broken April

Ismail Kadare

Delusions of Gender: The real science behind sex differences

Cordelia Fine

Disability Visibility: First-Person Stories from the Twenty-First Century: Unabridged Selections

Alice Wong

A FLY girl’s guide to university: Being a woman of colour at Cambridge and other institutions of elitism and power

Odelia Young, ed.

Girl, woman, other

Bernardine Evaristo 

How to be an antiracist

Ibram X. Kendi

Imagining Autism: Fiction and Stereotypes on the Spectrum

Sonya Freeman Loftis

Invisible women: Exposing data bias in a world designed for men

Caroline Criado Perez

Justice on trial: Radical solutions for a system at breaking point

Chris Daw

Life isn’t Binary

Alex Iantaffi and           Meg-John Barker

Men explain things to me

Rebecca Solnit

On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous

Ocean Vuong

Outlanders - Hidden Narratives from Social Workers Of Colour

S Maclean and W Reid

Redefining Realness

Janet Mock

Testosterone Rex: Unmaking the Myths of Our Gendered Minds

Cordelia Fine

The Neurodiverse Workplace: An Employer’s Guide to Managing and Working with Neurodivergent Employees, Clients and Customers

Victoria Honeybourne

The pretty one: On Life, Pop Culture, Disability and other reasons to fall in love with me

Keah Brown

The Stonewall Reader

The Tradition

Edmund White 

Jericho Brown 

They/Them/Their: a guide to nonbinary and genderqueer

Eris Young

Tomorrow will be different: love, loss, and the fight for trans equality

Sarah Mcride

We Have Always Been Here: a queer Muslim memoir

Samra Habib

We should all be feminists

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie 

Why I’m no longer talking to white people about race

Reni Eddo-Lodge

Women don’t owe you pretty

Florence Given

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profile-icon Lori Havard
No Subjects

Ydych chi wedi darllen erthygl ar ddadwladychu yr hoffech chi ei rhannu a’i thrafod gydag eraill? Rydyn ni’n chwilio am hwylusydd i arwain ein trafodaeth Clwb Cyfnodolion ar-lein nesaf a gynhelir ddydd Mercher 8 Medi rhwng 4:00 a 5:00pm. 

Beth yw’r Clwb Dyddlyfr Dad-drefedigaethu Gwybodaeth? 

Mae’r Clwb Dyddlyfr Dad-drefedigaethu Gwybodaeth yn fforwm diogel, agored ac anffurfiol i drafod llenyddiaeth ymchwil gyfredol i agweddau amrywiol dad-drefedigaethu ym myd addysg uwch. Mae’n gyfle i ddatblygu eich gwybodaeth a’ch dealltwriaeth o ystyr dad-drefedigaethu ac i annog cymryd camau i lywio a gwella eich ymarfer addysgu ac ymchwil. Mae’r Clwb ar agor i holl academyddion, staff y gwasanaethau proffesiynol, ac ymchwilwyr ôl-raddedig. 

Sut mae Clwb Cyfnodolion yn gweithio? 

Bydd y Clwb Cyfnodolion Dad-drefedigaethu Gwybodaeth yn cwrdd am un awr unwaith y mis. Arweinir pob sesiwn gan hwylusydd gwahanol bob mis a fydd yn rhoi cyflwyniad bras ar ddau bapur o’i ddewis: un o gyfnodolyn academaidd, ac erthygl arall o gyhoeddiad neu adnodd gwe mwy amrywiol, neu o ffynhonnell y tu allan i’r gorllewin/y gogledd . Caiff erthyglau neu ddolenni i adnoddau eu dosbarthu i gyfranogwyr wythnos cyn cyfarfod y Clwb er mwyn eu darllen.  Bydd trafodaeth ar ôl y cyflwyniad, a'r nod fydd nodi meysydd ar gyfer eich datblygiad proffesiynol eich hun a chamau ymarferol i gefnogi gwaith dadwladychu eich addysgu a'ch ymchwil.

Ystyriaethau ymarferol ar gyfer dewis erthyglau:

  • Adnoddau ar-lein yn unig
  • Erthyglau testun llawn ar gael drwy'r Llyfrgell neu drwy Fynediad Agored
  • Mae'r cynnwys yn berthnasol i Addysg Uwch ac ymarfer neu ddealltwriaeth academaidd
  • Ni ddylai erthyglau fod yn hwy na 10 tudalen.

Cynhelir y sesiwn gyntaf ddydd Mercher 8 Medi am 4-5pm.

Am ragor o wybodaeth: 

Prof Alys Einion-Waller (Athro Cyswllt, Coleg y Gwyddorau Dynol ac Iechyd),

Lori Havard (Pennaeth Cymorth Academaidd, Gwasanaethau Gwybodaeth a Systemau),

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profile-icon Lori Havard
No Subjects

Have you read an article about decolonisation that you would like to share and discuss with others?  We are looking for a facilitator to lead our next online Journal Club discussion on Wednesday, 8th September at 4:00-5:00pm.

What is the Decolonising Knowledge Journal Club?

The Decolonising Knowledge Journal Club is a safe, open, and informal space to discuss the current research literature on various aspects of decolonisation in higher education. It is an opportunity to develop your knowledge and understanding of what decolonising means and to encourage making steps to inform and improve your teaching and research practice.  The Club is open to all academics, professional services staff, and postgraduate researchers.

How does a Journal Club work?

The Decolonising Knowledge Journal Club will meet for one hour once a month.  Each session will be led by a rotating facilitator who will briefly present two papers of their choice: one from a traditional and high impact academic journal, and one alternative article from a more diverse or non-western/northern publication or web resource.  Articles or links to resources will be distributed to participants one week before the Club to read before the meeting.  Discussion will follow the presentation, with the aim to identify areas for your own professional development and practical steps to support decolonising your teaching and research.

Practical considerations for selection of articles:

  • Online resources only
  • Full-text articles either accessed through the Library or via Open Access
  • Content pertains to HE and academic practice or understanding
  • Articles to be no longer than 10 pages

Contacts for further information: 

Prof Alys Einion-Waller (Associate Professor, College of Human and Health Sciences)

Lori Havard (Head of Academic Support, SU Libraries and Archives),

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