Self-service photography may be undertaken using a digital compact camera, tablet or mobile phone subject to the following Self Service Photography Guidance.
We do have a reprographics service. You will be asked to complete a form which includes the reference number of the item(s) you would like a copy of and a statement about copyright.
Usually, for private study and non-commercial research, we can provide copies. However, please bear in mind, that if you intend to publish (including websites, social media etc), we would have to look into the copyright.
The current charge for non-commercial purposes/private study photocopying is £0.35 per sheet (A4 / A3), plus VAT (for educational purposes you will not be charged VAT).
A reproduction request may take a few weeks to prepare, especially if the documents are particularly fragile, or the copyright situation is complicated. Consequently, it is good to plan to get in any photocopy requests as soon as possible during or after your visit to the Archives in order to give us time to deal with it before your deadlines.