The Richard Burton Archives hold various collections that are of relevance to the study of crime, policing, prisons, punishment and the law. These cover:
Papers from the South Wales Coalfield Collection relating to conscientious objectors, including letter and regulations from Swansea Prison sent during Lance Rogers' imprisonment, 1941
The South Wales Coalfield Collection includes many different records relating to crime, disputes, policing and law reform. These can be at an individual, colliery or national level, including:
Items from Welsh trade union leader Arthur Horner's personal collection, which includes letters, photos & articles detailing his time in prison in 1918-1919 (conscientious objector) and 1932 (unlawful assembly) (Ref. SWCC/MNA/PP/46)
Photograph by Raissa Page. Protected by copyright. Not to be reproduced without permission, please contact Richard Burton Archives
From medieval times, church and religion have been intertwined with law and punishment. Even in more recent times, church records can still be an interesting source for detailing 'crimes' of a religious nature, blaspheming, failure to attend church, immoral behaviour etc.
Pages from Sunday Notices, 1863. Reports that ‘Dance Houses are hot beds of vice and inequity, we beg of you, my Bretheren, to shun them as you would a pest house' (Ref. LAC/99/C1)
Local newspaper cuttings including court cases, 1898 (Ref. LAC/124/3-4)
Prison officer, Wormwood Scrubs Prison, London, August 1982 (Ref. DC3/15/1/2)
Photograph by Raissa Page. Protected by copyright. Not to be reproduced without permission, please contact Richard Burton Archives
Documentary photographer Raissa Page took many photographs which feature policing, protest and institutions, including:
The University collections, such as the student newspapers and oral history interviews, include material relating to student strikes and protest and police involvement, and references to criminal events across the globe.
Fighting between police and protesters at the Springboks match, Swansea. Crefft student newspaper, December 1969. ©Swansea University Students’ Union
Opened in 1886, Cwmdonkin Shelter was a temporary refuge for pregnant, poor, destitute girls and was run by women prominent within Swansea society (the Ladies Committee). Its stated aim was to rescue and reform but also to prevent girls from falling to temptations. Girls were rescued from the docks, police courts and workhouse and were admitted regardless of their religion. They were taught practical skills, helped to return to their communities, sent to long-stay training homes or sent for emigration to Canada to begin new lives.
The Cwmdonkin Shelter Collection (Ref. LAC/22) details visits to the police courts to help girls in trouble. This extract, from an 1895 minute book, tells of a 10 year old girl coming to the Shelter from the magistrates court for begging and pick-pocketing, she was then sent on to a home in London.
Extract from Cwmdonkin Shelter minute book, 1887-1970 (Ref. LAC/22/A/1)