To use a footnote, put a superscript number into your text and then the footnote at the bottom of the page.
Author, 'Chapter Title', in Editor (ed), Book Title (edition, Publisher | year)
12 Justine Pila, ‘The Value of Authorship in the Digital Environment’ in William H Dutton and Paul W Jeffreys (eds), World Wide Research: Reshaping the Sciences and Humanities in the Century of Information (MIT Press 2010)
The only difference is the author is now listed surname first and you do not include page numbers.
Author, 'Chapter Title', in Editor (ed), Book Title (edition, Publisher | year)
Husak D, ‘Paternalism and Consent’ in FG Miller and A Wertheimer (eds), The Ethics of Consent: Theory and Practice (OUP 2010)