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Finding data & statistics
InfoBase Cymru
Access to a wide range of data locally and nationally on Wales.
Nomis This link opens in a new window
Nomis is a service provided by the ONS, giving free access to the most detailed and up-to-date UK labour market statistics from official sources.
Office for National Statistics This link opens in a new window
ONS is the official UK statistics site for health, education, social issues, economics, commerce and labour and all government policy areas, including Census 2021.
StatsWales This link opens in a new window
StatsWales is a free-to-use service that allows visitors to view, manipulate, create and download tables from the most detailed official data on Wales.
Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation (WIMD)
WIMD is the Welsh Government’s official measure of relative deprivation for small areas in Wales. It is designed to identify those small areas where there are the highest concentrations of several different types of deprivation.
Carmarthenshire Wards & County Profile
Carmarthenshire County Council no longer provides ward profiles on their website. Use the NOMIS website and search using your postcode.
Ceredigion Ward Profiles
Ceredigion County Council does not at present provide ward profiles on their website. Use the NOMIS website and search using your postcode.
Neath Port Talbot Ward Profiles
Neath Port Talbot County Council does not at present provide ward profiles on their website. Use the NOMIS website and search using your postcode.
Pembrokeshire Ward Profiles
Pembrokeshire County Council does not at present provide ward profiles on their website. Use the NOMIS website and search using your postcode.
Powys Ward Profiles
The Local Area Profiles are based on the collected 2011 Census data.
Swansea Ward Profiles
The Ward Profiles bring together a range of key statistical and other information about each ward or electoral division in Swansea.
Data Cymru - Ward Profile
This "beta" release Ward Profile dashboard allows you to find information about your ward from the 2021 Census.
ONS - Ward Profile
Get data by different area types, for example your neighbourhood, ward or parish by using this tool to build a custom area profile.
This is a website for England and Wales which you can use to find out more about crime in your neighbourhood.
South Wales Police
You can find local police contacts for your ward and what the policing priorities are in this area.
Assessments of Local Well-being
Links to the Assessments of Local Well-being for all 19 Welsh Public Services Boards.
Health and Social Care - Wales
Contains a comprehensive set of information on health, health services and social services in Wales. They cover a wide range of topics including NHS primary and community activity, waiting times and NHS staff.
Public Health Wales Observatory
The Public Health Wales Observatory provides information and data to decision makers and the public on health issues. Working with local and national partners to improve health and health services, and to reduce health inequalities.
Quality and Outcomes framework
An annual report includes information on the performance of contractors and recognition of good practice.
European Sources Online This link opens in a new window
European Sources Online (ESO) is an online database which provides access to information on the institutions and activities of the European Union, the countries, regions and other international organisations of Europe, and on the issues of importance to European citizens and stakeholders. ESO provides access to thousands of expertly selected websites, documents and publications from the EU and other international organisations, national governments, think tanks, stakeholder organisations, working papers etc., full text articles from Financial Times and European Voice, plus bibliographic records to key academic textbooks and periodical articles, and a series of Information Guides compiled by the ESO Editorial Team. Updated daily.
EuroStat This link opens in a new window
The Statistical Office of the European Communities in Luxembourg is known as Eurostat. Eurostat does not collect data itself, but gathers data from the official statistical agencies in member countries. It then has to ensure that the data is harmonized so that meaningful comparisons can be made across several countries.
Health and Care Research Wales
Health and Care Research Wales is a national, multi-faceted, virtual organisation funded and overseen by the Welsh Government’s Division for Social Care and Health Research. It provides an infrastructure to support and increase capacity in research and development (R&D), runs a range of responsive funding schemes and manages the NHS R&D funding allocation.
UK Data Service This link opens in a new window
The UK Data Service is a comprehensive resource funded by the ESRC and provides a single point of access to a wide range of secondary data including large-scale government surveys, international macrodata, business microdata, qualitative studies and census data from 1971 to 2011.