Did you know that our libraries stock fiction and non-fiction books, as well as books to aid your studies?
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie spoke eloquently about The Danger of a Single Story in 2009. She shared the importance of seeing people like yourself in fiction and warned that if we only hear one story about a group of people, we can’t truly begin to understand them. Our reading challenges can be a great way to extend and diversify your reading. You might discover a new favourite!
The links below take you to some research and reading about the wellbeing associated with reading for pleasure.
Welcome to the Better Read Reading Challenges! To take part, just read a book that matches each of the categories listed in the challenge. (If you can find a book that matches more than one category, that’s allowed!) There are links to the current and previous challenges below. Do the latest one, or go back and revisit older challenges!
We’ve suggested some titles you might like to try for each category. You can borrow the books we suggest from Swansea University Libraries. You can find your own books too, though – share your ideas using #suBetterRead.
The Reading Agency's Reading Well scheme aims to support health and wellbeing through reading. The links below take you to book lists from the scheme.
Are you a member of your local public library yet? We recommend you join to get free access to a great range of books and magazines in print, digital and audio formats!