Have you taken part in our Better Read challenges? They are a great way to diversify your reading and discover new authors and genres. We’re launching a new one this week!

Read a book that matches each of the categories below. Some categories have been inspired by special days or weeks that fall within the reading challenge period.

  • A book in translation

  • An audio book

  • A book about Welsh history

  • A book set in a country you’ve never visited

  • A short story

  • Poetry

  • A fiction or non-fiction book about a nurse (12th May is International Nurses Day)

  • A book about nature (Nature is the theme for this year’s Mental Health Awareness Week 10th-16th May)

  • A book with a main character who identifies as LGBTQ+ (17th May is International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia)

  • A fiction or non-fiction book about the Windrush generation (22nd June is UK Windrush Day)

We’ve gathered together some suggestions for each prompt. Suggestions include ebooks and audio books that you can access for free.

Or find your own books and share your ideas using #suBetterRead.

Let us know how you get on @SwanseaUniLib on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

The challenge runs until 19th September 2021.

Smiling woman sitting at a table reading a book