Library News. Newyddion y Llyfrgell

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profile-icon Elen Davies

Come along to #ToolTimeTuesday in the Library - learn about a useful tool to improve your skills at searching for high quality information. Drop in to the Library Pop Up at Singleton Park (Tuesdays 11-1) or come to the online 15 minute session - book via the Library Skills Programme and see what's on offer every week.

When: Tuesday 26th November

Which tool: EndNote

EndNote is a great tool that can help you store and organise the references that you find during your research. You can then insert citations and a fully-formatted reference list into your Word documents.

EndNote is free to download as a student or staff member, it will give you access to a range of referencing styles, including APA (7th ed.), Vancouver and MHRA.

On campus PCs

  • Go to the Zen box and click on Teaching Software, then click applications. Double click on the EndNote21 icon to install the software.

Off campus

  • Go to
  • Click on the 'Download EndNote for your own device' link
  • Scroll down and click the EndNote icon
  • Choose either install for Windows or install for Mac
  • Follow the on screen instructions to complete the installation.

Pop along on Tuesday and we'll show you the benefits of using this tool. Can't make it? Watch our Introduction to EndNote online tutorial instead.

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profile-icon Susan Glen

This in person session will get you started using EndNote which can:

  • store and manage references in your own database so you don't lose track of them.

  • work with Word to format your references in a wide range of styles.

  • import references from many online databases such as Web of Science and iFind without you having to type them in.

Can't make it? Don't worry our MyUni Library Essentials tutorials are always available for you to watch at anytime.

Book here 

Glyndwr 227  Friday 17 November 10am


Bydd y sesiwn bersonol hwn yn eich rhoi ar ben ffordd i ddefnyddio EndNote, a all:

  • storio a rheoli cyfeiriadau yn eich cronfa ddata eich hun fel na fyddwch yn colli trywydd amdanynt.
  • gweithio gyda Word i fformatio'ch cyfeiriadau mewn ystod eang o arddulliau.
  • mewnforio cyfeiriadau o lawer o gronfeydd data ar-lein fel Web of Science ac iFind heb i chi orfod eu teipio.

Methu dod? Peidiwch â phoeni mae ein tiwtorialau Hanfodion Llyfrgell MyUni ar gael i chi eu gwylio unrhyw bryd.

Archebwch yma

Glyndwr 227 Dydd Gwener 17 Tachwedd

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profile-icon Elen Davies

Join us for this drop-in Q&A session on APA referencing.  Got a question, come and ask Suzanne, Erika and Elen, your Librarians in our online chat room. Open to all Swansea University students and staff.

Register and we'll send you the full details of how to join our online chat room.

Wednesday 30th June @ 2pm

Can't make it? Don't worry we have our online tutorials available to watch.


Ymunwch a ni am ein sessiwn galw heibio holi ac ateb ar Gyfeirnodi yn arddull APA.  Os oes gennych cwestiwn, yna dewch draw i sgwrsio gyda Suzanne, Erika ac Elen, eich Llyfrgellwyr yn ein 'stafell sgwrsio ar-lein.  Ar agor i bob myfyriwr a staff Prifysgol Abertawe.

Ar gyfer cael mynediad i'n 'stafell sgwrsio ar-lein, cofrestrwch a wnawn ni danfon manylion llawn atoch.

Dydd Mercher 30ain Mehefin  @ 2yp

Methu dod?  Peidiwch a phoeni mae gennym tiwtoraliau i'w gwylio ar-lein.

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profile-icon Elen Davies

Please join us for this week's drop-in session on using the Word referencing tool.  Got a question, come and ask Suzanne and Elen, your Librarians in our online chat room.

We'll be looking at how to use the referencing tool in Word to import and store references and insert citations into Word.

Open to all Swansea University students and staff.

Wednesday 29th April @2pm

Full details of this session and future online skills sessions can be found on our events calendar.


Ymunwch a ni am ein sessiwn galw heibio ar sut i ddefnyddio offer cyfeirio Word.  Os oes gennych cwestiwn, yna dewch draw i sgwrsio gyda Suzanne ac Elen, eich Llyfrgellwyr yn ein 'stafell sgwrsio ar-lein.  

Byddwn yn edrych ar sut i ddefnyddio'r meddalwedd cyfeirio yn Word i fewnforio a storio cyfeiriadau a mewnosod dyfyniadau yn Word. 

Ar agor i bob myfyriwr a staff Prifysgol Abertawe.

Dydd Mercher 29ain Ebrill @2yp

Am fanylion llawn y sesiwn hon a sesiynau yn y dyfodol ewch draw i'n calendr o ddigwyddiadau.

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profile-icon Elen Davies

Please join us for our first online drop-in session on APA referencing.  Got a question, come and ask Izzy and Elen, your Librarians in our online chat room. We'll be looking at APA referencing and tools that can make your life easier.  Open to all Swansea University students and staff.

Wednesday 25th March @2pm

Full details of this session and future online skills sessions can be found on our events calendar.


Ymunwch a ni am ein sessiwn galw heibio cyntaf ar gyfeirnodi yn arddull APA.  Os oes gennych cwestiwn, yna dewch draw i sgwrsio gyda Elen ac Izzy, eich Llyfrgellwyr yn ein 'stafell sgwrsio ar-lein.  Byddwn yn edrych ar gyfeirnodi yn arddull APA ac hefyd yn awgrymu offer sy'n gallu gwneud eich bywyd yn haws.  Ar agor i bob myfyriwr a staff Prifysgol Abertawe.

Dydd Mercher 25ain Mawrth @2yp

Am fanylion llawn y sesiwn hon a sesiynau yn y dyfodol ewch draw i'n calendr o ddigwyddiadau.

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profile-icon Allison Jones

Today we are looking at creating a reference list using Microsoft Word. 

Adding the Word plugin

In Day 1 we added the Word plugin. If you skipped this step you can also add the plugin from your Mendeley Desktop by clicking on Tools and Install MS Word plugin.

Inserting citations and references into Word

Once you have the plugin you should see the following ribbon under the references tab.

Mendeley Ribbon Tab in word

You will see there are a number of styles available, including standard Vancouver and APA 6th Edition.  There are over 1200 referencing styles built into Mendeley so if the style you require is not visible to the Mendeley Desktop, click on View, then Citation Style and then select the style your require.

To add a reference to your document go to point in the text you wish to add the citation. Click on References and then Insert Citation. If you want to include a reference list as you type click on Insert Bibliography.

The following pane will open.


Mendeley search for citation box

Type in some details about the item you wish to insert. When the item is visible, select and the click on OK.

Mendeley searching for citation box

It is important to note that Swansea University have a Swansea Specific Vancouver so slight revisions will be necessary. The guide for Swansea specific guide can be found in our library guides for engineering here.


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profile-icon Allison Jones

The Web Importer

The first thing you need to do is download the web importer.  This can be found at .  From this page you select which browser you want to use for this task (I will be using Chrome) but they all work in a similar way.

Dylech weld wedyn yr eicon canlynol yn ymddangos ar bwys eich bar cyfeiriadau. Mae’r broses osod felly wedi’i chwblhau.

Select Install Chrome browser extension and on the subsequent page Add to Chrome.

You should then see the following icon appear next to your address bar. This installation process is then complete.

Mendeley web importer next toaddress bar

Saving a web page reference and adding documents

When you have searched and found a website that you wish to add to you Mendeley library click on the Mendeley icon in the toolbar.

The following window will then appear.  Click on Save.  It will automatically download any PDFs if available.  Deselect the tick box if you wish to skip this process.

Mendeley web importer library pop up

Many websites, if they do not contain journal articles or documentation give the following message as they do not contain any bibliographic metadata

Some forms will be populated more than others. Take care when completing this form as the data will appear in your reference.

Mendeley Online

What you will notice is that the reference will save to the online Mendeley library.  The whole process on Day 1 created a Desktop Application and also an online library (which we did not look at). Both work in the same way and sync seamlessly. Day 5 will look at Mendely Online in more detail and also look at the Desktop App on the Unified Desktop.

For now to sync between the Desktop App and Mendeley Online just look for the Sync button.

Bydd y dudalen hon yn caniatáu i chi gwblhau ffurflen â gwybodaeth y wefan a fydd, wrth ei harbed, yn anfon yr wybodaeth i’ch cyfeirnod Mendeley. Caiff rhai ffurflenni eu llenwi yn fwy nag eraill.

Organising your Mendeley Library

The left-hand pane in your Mendeley Application allows you to sort and filter your library.  There are excellent default filters such as Recently Added, Recently Read and Favourites.

It is easy to create folders. It is important to note that creating folders alters your view of your library and “tags”  but does not actually move the reference within the library.  This means that the same reference (not a copy) can be moved into multiple folders, and folders can be added and deleted. If you amend the reference it will change in all locations (as there is only one reference).

To add a folder you click on Create Folder… and then give it a meaningful name.

Mendeley library right-hand pane

Searching Mendeley

The search box will search all the bibliographic details of a reference unless you select the little drop-down arrow (highlighted below).  This options allows you to search Author, Title, Publication Details, Year etc.

It is important to note that the Search Box will only search within your selected library.  If your main pane is a subfolder the search will be contained to that particular folder.  Therefore if you are unable to locate a reference ensure All Documents is selected.

Filter by Tag

Tags allow you to label references to easily group them.  To add a tag go to the right-hand pane in your Mendeley Desktop (you may need to scroll down the pane. You can add more than one tag by separating each with a semi-colon ;

To retrieve Tags you need to go to the Filter at the bottom-left of the Mendeley Desktop and select Filter by My Tags.

Mendeley Filter by My Tags

Wrth chwilio am dagiau mae’n bwysig cadw o fewn y ffolder a ddewiswyd neu o fewn All Documents.

When searching for Tags it is important to be within the chosen Folder or All Documents.


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profile-icon Allison Jones

The first thing to do when you install Mendeley is to upload all of your existing work to Mendeley.  

Creating bibliographic records from pdfs

If you have any pdfs on your computer you can create pdfs really easily.  Save them all to one folder and then in Mendeley click on Add and then  Add Folder.

Mendeley Add Folder

Select the folder you wish to add and then click on Okay.  Your bibliographic records and your pdfs will then appear in Mendeley.  You can repeat this proces for individual files.

Importing an Individual reference from iFind

Find an article you wish to import.

Select Actions and then Export to RIS (highlighted below).

Mendeley Citation in iFInd screenshot

An Import to Citation Manager window opens.

   UTF-8 Download

Click on DOWNLOAD.

RIS file to export

Drag and Drop the RIS file into the All Documents Pane in Mendeley.

Importing a Reference from an Academic Database

You are also able to add references from the majority of our academic databases. Please note that each Database works slightly differently.  When you have found an article that you wish to add to your references look for the Cite this link (or similar).

You then need to select the Format you wish to download. In this example (above)  it is BibTex. Sometimes you will see RIS. In Elsevier products such as ScienceDirect you will see Export to Mendeley. Select and then click on Download article citation data.

Drag and drop file into Mendeley All Documents pane.

Attaching a PDF to your References

At this point you have created a reference to your library. You are also able to attach the PDF of the article to your library.  To do this:

Select the article. In the details pane click on Add File…

The Mendeley Attach Files window will open. Select the file you wish to add and click on Open. The PDF will then be attached to your citation entry.



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profile-icon Allison Jones

Welcome to 5 days of Mendeley

Mendeley is a free tool that can help you store and organise the references that you find during your research. This reference information can then be used to automatically insert citations and a fully formatted reference list into your Word documents.  Mendeley also contains a great social media community designed for researchers.  However this five days of Mendeley will concentrate on referencing.

As a free tool Swansea University cannot offer technical support for the resource. Any problems with the resource need to be reported directly to Mendeley.

Swansea University subscribe to Endnote, a referencing tool with technical support available.

However due to the high number of enquiries regarding Mendeley the desktop version is available from the unified desktop along with the Word plug-in. This five Days of Mendeley has been created in response to a number of enquiries about the referencing tool and it is not intended as a substitute for Endnote.

Mendeley has fewer citations styles than Endnote and does not, at the moment, include the Vancouver (Swansea) style.  It does include APA and standard Vancouver in its referencing library.

Getting Started

Today we will look at creating a Mendeley Account and necessary software installations (if not connected to the unified desktop).  The instructions below are to create the Desktop Application and also a Mendeley account.  You can use just the online version of Mendeley.  However syncing is extremely easy and does give you more control of your references.

  • Go to:
  • Select Download Desktop App and the file will download.

Mendeley Download Button highlighted


Once downloaded click on Run (it might be hiding on the bottom-left of your screen).


Mendeley run dialogue box


You will then be prompted to register with Mendeley and Elsevier. You maybe able to skip this step if you have already registered with Elsevier or an Elsevier product such as Scopus or ScienceDirect.


Mendeley welcome screen   Elsevier login details page


Although it is not necessary to add the citation plug-in at this point, you will also be prompted to add the citation plug-in for reference output.

If you wish to complete this step then click on Install now.  You can Talways install this at a later date.  It can be found under Tools.

installing word plug in reminder box


Entering References Manually

Click on the button on the top left of the screen. Select Add Entry Manually.

A new Document Box will appear (it defaults to Journal Article). Use the drop down arrow to select your media and then complete relevant information.

Manual installation box

The reference that you have added will be listed in My References.

Tomorrow we will learn how to import reference information from our library catalogue and also how to import our pdf documents,  iFind


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profile-icon Allison Jones

5 days of Mendeley

5 days of Mendeley is an open online course for Swansea University students. The course will run between the 18th to 22nd November.

How the course will work

Each day there will be a new blog post that will take you through using Mendeley. We will start with the basics of creating an account. By the end of the week you will be able to use Mendeley to insert citations and reference lists in your word documents as well as import citations of webpages.

The course will cover:

  • Creating a Mendeley Desktop and Mendeley Online account
  • Importing references
  • Organising and sharing your references
  • Creating bibliographies/references lists in Microsoft Word
  • Importing and Exporting your library and the Mendeley Web Importer

How to join in

To join this course sign up to follow this blog by email.

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