iFind, the Library catalogue is the main way to search resources provided by Swansea University Library.
JSTOR contains the full text of journals, usually from their beginning up to about 5 years ago. For more recent years, links to the full text of articles on external sites is often given. Subjects covered include ecology, economics, education, finance, history, language and literature, mathematics and statistics, philosophy, sociology, anthropology, politics and population studies.
The MLA International Bibliography gives details of most journal articles and books on modern languages and literatures (including English) from the 1920s to the present. It also has details of many journal articles and books on linguistics, folklore and film. It does not include book reviews. It is part of the EBSCOhost Database Service. It can be searched individually or in combination with other EBSCOhost databases.
ProQuest One Literature contains 3 million literature citations from thousands of journals, monographs, dissertations, and more than 500,000 primary works – including rare and obscure texts, multiple versions, and non-traditional sources like comics, theatre performances, and author readings.
Click on the button below to see a list of all our databases. Refine your search further by choosing a Subject or Type from the drop-down list.
The Library holds all Swansea University theses at doctorate level and some masters. We do not usually keep third year projects or dissertations. Most of our dissertations are kept in locked storage at Singleton Park Campus.
The dissertations are for reference use only, so they must not be taken out of the library. Please ask at the Information Desk if you would like to look at a thesis.
You can use our databases to find theses and dissertations from outside Swansea University.