Finding information on the internet is easy, but finding good quality and reliable information is trickier than you think. Take a look at our tips in this section on how to get the most out of searching online. Before you use any web resource in your assignment ask yourself “Is the web page as good as information you would find in a book or academic journal?”
Webpages can be set up by anyone, therefore before referencing a site check that the information is reliable and accurate.
Look for the clues in the URL
Are you struggling to find what you need on Google?
Here are some tips to improve your results!
Still not finding enough academic resources in Google?
Try using Google Scholar which searches scholarly literature. You can link Google Scholar to Swansea University's subscriptions, full instructions can be found in the guide below.
The UK Data Service is a comprehensive resource funded by the ESRC and provides a single point of access to a wide range of secondary data including large-scale government surveys, international macrodata, business microdata, qualitative studies and census data from 1971 to 2011.
StatsWales is a free-to-use service that allows visitors to view, manipulate, create and download tables from the most detailed official data on Wales.
The Statistical Office of the European Communities in Luxembourg is known as Eurostat. Eurostat does not collect data itself, but gathers data from the official statistical agencies in member countries. It then has to ensure that the data is harmonized so that meaningful comparisons can be made across several countries.
Nomis is a service provided by the ONS, giving free access to the most detailed and up-to-date UK labour market statistics from official sources.
ONS is the official UK statistics site for health, education, social issues, economics, commerce and labour and all government policy areas, including Census 2021.