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New additions to the Library: New journal subscriptions

These are non-reading list items which have been added to University Library stock since the academic year 2022/23

How to request a new journal title

Journal titles are a recurrent expenditure that require an annual commitment of funds.  Their subscription costs are subject to both annual price increases and currency exchange rates.   Requests for journal titles need to be carefully considered to ensure they are valuable to the learning, teaching and research needs of the University community. If you'd like to recommend a title for purchase, please provide as much information about the use, audience, and impact of the title as you can to assist the library's decision-making processes.

Use of titles is monitored through usage data analytics annually. As part of its decision making, the library considers each title’s usage and impact.  Low usage does not always represent low impact; therefore, your Academic Liaison Librarian will contact you to discuss titles which appear to have low usage. By continually monitoring the use of our journals portfolio and cancelling underutilised or underperforming titles, the library is able to purchase new content and maintain the high quality and relevance of the collection.