In response to requests from both staff and students, particularly within the School of Management, we are very pleased to announce that you can now access Statista.
With a global focus Statista provides the latest and most relevant facts and data on markets, consumers and industries. It covers 1.9m statistics, forecasts and studies on 80,000 topics and 170 industries worldwide. Data can be easily downloaded to most commonly used formats.
You can now access Statista from iFind, our A-Z Database and various subject guides. For more information, please contact your subject librarian.
In response to requests from both staff and students, particularly within the School of Management, we are very pleased to announce that you can now access Statista.
With a global focus Statista provides the latest and most relevant facts and data on markets, consumers and industries. It covers 1.9m statistics, forecasts and studies on 80,000 topics and 170 industries worldwide. Data can be easily downloaded to most commonly used formats.
You can now access Statista from iFind, our A-Z Database and various subject guides.
For more information, please contact your subject librarian.