Library News. Newyddion y Llyfrgell

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profile-icon Caroline Rauter

Swansea University is proud to announce the launch of the SciFree Open Access Search Tool, designed to simplify access to open access publishing agreements for researchers. This innovative tool enables academic staff and students to quickly identify the open access publishing deals available through Swansea University’s ‘read and publish’ agreements with major publishers.  In most cases, no invoices are generated and permission for directly funding the article processing charge (APC) does not have to be sought in advance. 

The SciFree tool supports Swansea’s ongoing commitment to promoting open research, increasing the visibility of academic output, and reducing barriers to publication. By streamlining the process, the tool empowers our researchers to make informed decisions about where to publish their work openly. The tool is customised to reflect our current publisher agreements. Search by journal name, ISSN or subject. 

When proceeding to publish please select a CC-BY licence to meet our default license preference. Also include any funders in the acknowledgement section and include a data access statement even where no data are available.

For more information or to explore the tool, visit  


Library Research Support Team

Swansea University / 01792 604567 

Effective Research Publishing Handbook

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profile-icon Elen Davies

Please join us for this week's drop-in session on Finding Open Access Data.  Got a question, come and ask Allison and Sian, your Librarians in our online chat room. Open access resources can be used to find published information swiftly and often without cost. Open access material includes journal articles, scholarly and scientific monographs, educational resources, metadata, digitised material and research data.

We'll be looking at:

  • Research Datasets
  • Government Data (UK and Globally)
  • UK Data Archive
  • Licencing Types
  • Data Repositories

Open to all Swansea University students and staff.

Tuesday 16th June @2pm

Full details of this session and future online skills sessions can be found on our events calendar.


Ymunwch a ni am ein sessiwn galw heibio ar sut i ddarganfod Data Mynediad Agored.  Os oes gennych cwestiwn, yna dewch draw i sgwrsio gyda Allison a Sian, eich Llyfrgellwyr yn ein 'stafell sgwrsio ar-lein. Gellir defnyddio adnoddau mynediad agored i ddod o hyd i wybodaeth gyhoeddedig yn gyflym, ac yn rhad ac am ddim yn aml. Mae deunydd mynediad agored yn cynnwys erthyglau mewn cyfnodolion, monograffau ysgolheigaidd a gwyddonol, adnoddau addysgol, metaddata, deunydd a data ymchwil wedi’u digideiddio.

Byddwn yn edrych ar:

  • Setiau Data
  • Data'r Llywodraeth (DU ac yn fyd-eang)
  • UK Data Archive
  • Mathau trwyddedu
  • Cadwrfeydd Data

Ar agor i bob myfyriwr a staff Prifysgol Abertawe.

Dydd Mawrth 16eg Mehefin @2yp

Am fanylion llawn y sesiwn hon a sesiynau yn y dyfodol ewch draw i'n calendr o ddigwyddiadau.

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profile-icon Elen Davies

Please join us for this week's drop-in session on Finding Open Access Resources.  Got a question, come and ask Allison and Sian, your Librarians in our online chat room. Open access resources can be used to find published information swiftly and often without cost. Open access material includes journal articles, scholarly and scientific monographs, educational resources, metadata, digitised material and research data.

We'll be looking at:

  • Finding Open Access material
  • Websites, Directories and Open Access Projects
  • Institutional and Subject Repositories
  • Discovery tools
  • Links to further guidance on Open Access Resources

Open to all Swansea University students and staff.

Tuesday 9th June @2pm

Full details of this session and future online skills sessions can be found on our events calendar.


Ymunwch a ni am ein sessiwn galw heibio ar sut i ddarganfod Adnoddau Mynediad Agored.  Os oes gennych cwestiwn, yna dewch draw i sgwrsio gyda Allison a Sian, eich Llyfrgellwyr yn ein 'stafell sgwrsio ar-lein. Gellir defnyddio adnoddau mynediad agored i ddod o hyd i wybodaeth gyhoeddedig yn gyflym, ac yn rhad ac am ddim yn aml. Mae deunydd mynediad agored yn cynnwys erthyglau mewn cyfnodolion, monograffau ysgolheigaidd a gwyddonol, adnoddau addysgol, metaddata, deunydd a data ymchwil wedi’u digideiddio.

Byddwn yn edrych ar:

  • Chwilio am ddeunydd Mynediad Agored
  • Gwefannau, Cyfeiriaduron a Phrosiectau Mynediad Agored
  • Storfeydd Sefydliadol a Phwnc
  • Offer Darganfod
  • Offer Cyflwyno
  • Dolenni i arweiniad pellach ar Adnoddau Mynediad Agored

Ar agor i bob myfyriwr a staff Prifysgol Abertawe.

Dydd Mawrth 9fed Mehefin @2yp

Am fanylion llawn y sesiwn hon a sesiynau yn y dyfodol ewch draw i'n calendr o ddigwyddiadau.

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